Soraya Quirino - Inglês para Imigração


Olá, meu nome é Soraya Quirino e eu sou professora de inglês especialista em IELTS. Seja bem vindo, seja bem vinda de volta ao meu Canal! Sou professora de Inglês por formação e leciono há 18 anos. Desde 2010, eu me dedico a ajudar meus alunos e alunas a conseguirem o resultado que precisam no IELTS para imigrar ou estudar no exterior. Eu ofereço cursos preparatório para os 4 skills do IELTS, assim como cursos apenas para o writing test. Você pode ver alguns dos resultados dos meus alunos e alunas no meu perfil do Instagram. Se você precisa de preparação para o IELTS e quiser conhecer melhor o meu trabalho, entre em contato!

Aprenda Inglês Aqui


"Welcome to 'Enjoy English,' your go-to destination for immersive and engaging English language lessons. Whether you're a beginner looking to master the basics or an advanced learner aiming to refine your language skills, our channel is here to make your English learning journey fun and effective. From grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and real-world conversational English. Join our community, explore our content, and unlock the world of English language proficiency while having a great time along the way. Let's learn, practice, and 'Enjoy English' together!"



Welcome To Elementriloquist Subscribe to Rumble & YouTube! Join The Patreon - High quality audiobook assets so you can read and learn faster. Merch - I've always had an interest in the occult. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, and it is by far the most detailed and straight forward occult book I've ever come across. The thing is, I kinda hate reading 😅. I decided I'd create an audiobook for myself so that I could enjoy the learning process and speed up how fast I can learn the theory sections of the book. The funny part is, in the process of creating the audiobook, I basically read the book multiple times and I understand the theory well at this point. From there I decided I'd create a youtube channel where I'd upload all of Franz Bardon's books, and I'd also start consuming other occult writings this way. If I get some views and some support on my Patreon that's just icing on the cake.

Máquinas para uma fabricação inteligente


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