7 FollowersCalvary Chapel Cornerstone is located in Colorado Springs, CO and affiliated with Calvary Chapel Association
Calvary Chapel Cornerstone is located in Colorado Springs, CO and affiliated with Calvary Chapel Association
Cornerstone Chapel Womens Ministry
Cornerstone Chapel Adult Bible Class
Cornerstone Chapel en Español
Learning Hebrew to Engage the Living Letters.
A fellowship of Brothers in Christ, that are coming together under the Head that is Christ, not to argue, debate, tear down, or judge our fellow body, but to edify, encourage, testify, and overcome. We only interpret Scripture with Scripture, we don't place any confidence in the flesh, and we place no confidence in our own human reasoning. We believe in God's Word, so our answer to any question is " what does God say?" #whitestonereward #newchristian #biblestudy
Cornerstone Chapel Childrens Ministry
Cornerstone Baptist Church Live Streams
Cornerstone Chapel High School
Cornerstone Community Fellowship exists to be biblical in content, genuine in nature, gracious in attitude, and relevant in approach. We exist to bring revival to Jesus Christ’s Church. We exist to empower Christians to walk in their full potential and calling from God, becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ.
A Christ-Centred, Biblical movement of House Churches
Sermons, Teachings & Bible Studies
We are a Christ-centered, multi-generational church that is passionate about reaching people with the life transforming message of Jesus Christ.
Our youth are at an impressionable age and they are influenced by what they discuss with their peers. The video series, “Planted” was created to bring up common questions about God and provide thoughtful, scriptural responses to help them understand how they were designed so they can thrive.
Award Winning Musical,Experience Easter like never before. Journey through the Bible as a father reads the Good Book to his daughter and the characters come to life on stage in this one-of-a-kind original musical.
The Bible refers to a time and season that will usher in the final days of life as we know it. It states there will be wars, rumors of wars, and great upheaval in all nations. This is also a time for the purifying of the church, and a call to those who don’t know God or don’t believe He’s an integral part of everything that happens, and that what is evident in our daily lives corresponds to what is happening in the unseen world of the heavenlies. The book, A White Stone, has been written to display the transformation that must take place in the church so that she might become a true representation of how God wants everyday people to live as passionately as Christ did in a world looking for honest answers to life’s questions. It demonstrates the power of God at work when He has surrendered vessels for His use, and the true freedom an individual can have when they’ve entered into the peace of living under the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ, resulting in the ability to live above the entanglements of everyday circumstances. It’s a fictional account of probable coming events, divided into sections that flow into one another with no clear-cut time boundaries. The characters are a composite of people Merry and I have known and some others we would like to know. Their lives are intended to relay to the reader that the Spirit, the power, and the quality of the life Jesus lived as our example are available to each of us as we surrender fully to Him. In a time when fanatics with murderous hearts claim that they are representing God in their merciless actions, God is raising up a standard of integrity and love in His people to overcome the hatred that is so apparent in the world and expose the true enemy and source of that hatred. Since its debut in 1997, A White Stone has been revised periodically to better address the issues arising in our rapidly changing world as Christ would. In our own nation, we have gone from functioning as a carefree society not very familiar with the need to exercise caution as we travel, work, and play to a people who must ponder and prepare for drastic life changes as part of our daily routine. We now understand that we live in a world in which peril could very likely invade our lives at any unpredictable moment and we have little wisdom on how to deal with it in a Christ-like manner. Merry and I realize these circumstances do not necessarily mean that we’re living in biblical end times. During many seasons in history, people have felt they were living near the end; and in looking for the immediate return of Jesus, produced confusion and regrettable actions because of their misguided zeal. There is a need to be careful. In these days, however, it does appear as if the Lord is exponentially accelerating the pace at which predicted events are coming to pass, so we must take note. During these very important and perilous times, we’re convinced our Father in heaven is bringing us to Himself by making us aware of our need of Him. We believe He’s challenging each of us to allow Him to make us His holy people and sense that He’s willing to impart Himself, His peace, and His kind of freedom from fear to anyone who desires it. Although A White Stone does take the reader into an end-time scenario, I’m convinced our Lord would have each of us live the kind of life portrayed in this story on a daily basis, so we might truly prosper through difficult times. Living passionately for Jesus and for the best interests of others is our directive as followers of Christ, no matter where we are in the times and seasons of the Biblical calendar.
Short Christian videos made for kids
Cornerstone Chapel Middle School
Experimentally engaging the Hebrew Living Letters in Yeshua.
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