New Civil Liberties Alliance


NCLA is a nonprofit civil rights organization founded by prominent legal scholar Philip Hamburger to protect constitutional freedoms from violations by the Administrative State. NCLA’s public-interest litigation and other pro bono advocacy strive to tame the unlawful power of state and federal agencies and to foster a new civil liberties movement that will help restore Americans’ fundamental rights. For more information visit us online:

Resistenza Culturale Italiana


La nostra Cultura non sarà perfetta ma perfettibile in virtù dei suoi Principi che sono: la Libertà, l\'Uguaglianza, la Democrazia, il Diritto, l\'Umanesimo, l’Illuminismo della Conoscenza. Una delle migliori rispetto a tante altre presenti sul Pianeta ed è ingiusto che debba essere sacrificata e disintegrata per poter permettere l’integrazione di quelle che non condividono gli stessi suoi Principi e Valori etici e morali. Per questo motivo, visti i tempi e quanti la calpestano nonostante si dichiarino italiani, è stato necessario formare un gruppo per la sua difesa,accogliendo le stesse istanze che furono quelle della grande Oriana Fallaci e sono e saranno quelle di tutti gli aderenti al gruppo e di molti altri. >|<

Language with Chu


Welcome to this channel! My name is Juliana Barembuem (but everyone calls me Chu). As an interpreter, translator, language teacher and linguist, I want to share some things I learned over the years, which I think may be of interest to you. Being completely fluent in Spanish (mother tongue), French and English, and able to converse in Russian, Chinese and Danish, I have the possibility to compare languages and make learning them easier. Language is one of the things that make us human, and as such, it is one of the main things we all have in common. It permeates through all areas of our lives, including who we are and how we view the world. That is why in this channel I choose to talk about anything that is directly or indirectly linked to language, from psychology to history, through sounds, grammar, thoughts and reality, comparative linguistics, translation and interpretation, language and identity, and much more! Stay tuned, and don\\\'t hesitate to ask questions!