Diabetes Type II Reversal


Help Your Diabetes® (HYD) was founded to provide a natural, non-drug approach to helping people with metabolic and nutritional imbalances. Metabolic and nutritional imbalances can lead to many health problems, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Neuropathy and Heart Disease, traditionally treated with invasive prescription drug therapy. The Patented program developed by HYD helps reverse your Type 2 Diabetes by showing you specifically what to eat/drink, provides proper nutritional supplements, exercise recommendations and provides 7 days a week support with a support doctor and team. When you follow our program as directed, we guarantee you will be off all your diabetic meds or you get a 100% refund plus $500 just for trying our program. You have nothing to lose but your diabetes.\r\n\r\nThe results achieved are due to a customized plan based on the health of each participant and will depend entirely on program compliance and completion.\r\n\r\nSet up your FREE consultation with a Diabetes Reversal Consultant:\r\nhttps://helpyourdiabetesnow.com/HYD/DrPilicy%0D\r\n\r\n

Mirror Work Conversations With Lady O Podcast


Welcome to Scarborough's freshest talk show podcast for mothers—where common sense reigns supreme! Tune in for bold, unapologetic conversations on politics, relationships, entertainment, parenting, and religion through a classical conservative & classical liberal lens. Reconnecting the moral and ethical threads of the human experience in Canada, shining a light on the unity we’ve lost. Don’t miss out on thought-provoking, mirror-work discussions that challenge the status quo and ignite meaningful dialogue. Be part of the conversation—your voice matters! “Truth needs no support, just time and room." ~ JW 🇻🇨🇳🇬🇨🇦