The Experience Media


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The Epoch of Friar Tuck


Hi, I'm Friar Tuck. After losing my business I have decided to go on an Epoch to find myself. Along my journey I have talked about what it is like to be a bohemian. At first I was traveling on bike doing the Southern Tier bike route, but a hurricane caused me to stop in Gainesville, FL where I met some cool people before I continued on my epoch journey. From there I decided to start hiking the Eastern Continental Trail from Florida to Maine. Along the way I met even more interesting people who influenced me on my epoch journey. I managed to complete the Florida Trail, Alabama Road Walk and Pinhoti trails before I got sick and had to stop in Chattanooga. While in Tennessee I met an individual who took me under his wing as my mentor. As my mentor he is showing me what the digital economy really is, introducing me to Linux and showing me a different way to live as a bohemian. Subscribe and follow me on my epoch journey to find myself and maybe you will too.

The EMF Guy


My name is Nick "The EMF Guy" Pineault. I'm the bestselling author of 'The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs' and an advocate for safe technologies who stumbled onto the dangers of electro-pollution ("EMFs") emitted by wireless technologies several years ago. At first I thought this entire issue sounded a bit "tin foil", until I discovered it's definitely not. This channel is focused on the good, the bad and the ugly sides of technology -- and how you can protect your health in our electro-polluted world, mainly by minimizing your exposure.



The ET Newsroom provides a platform for Experiencers of things ET/alien/space family to be shared without judgement. ETN Interviews with Experiencers and Researchers linked to related fields, as well as developing projects - documentaries, new material such as the Experiencer album, EKLECTIA, featuring artists, interviews and sound bites with the X-factor. ETN publishes its own material, the first book called 44-Based on an ex-soldier's true story of life long contact and abduction...and more