16 Followers2stewart
16 FollowersRichardStewart
15 FollowersStewpeterss
15 FollowersJamerrillStewart
15 FollowersStewartjeenes
15 FollowersKeithStewart
14 FollowersFriends of Stew Peters Network
13 FollowersSharing Stew Peters Network productions. SPN:
13 FollowersStewsutton
13 FollowersFaithfulsteward2023
13 Followersstewwpeters
11 FollowersCliftonStewart
11 FollowersSstewart2020
11 FollowersStewatson1
11 FollowersStewpie
11 Followerspeterstewart43
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10 FollowersAshleyStewart
10 Followersstewardship
10 FollowersNews, Views, Hues and Stews
9 FollowersThoughts and Nature
9 FollowersBurnin' A Taste With Rachel
9 FollowersStewieTunes
9 FollowersI’m a would’ve, could’ve, should’ve musician. By 10th grade, I was a good enough saxophone player to have made a career out of it. I owned Band Class! But I didn’t see a future in the saxophone; it was the late 1960s and I was swept up by the rock movement. There was no saxophone in rock and roll – the minor role for the saxophone came a few years later, after I decided to quit; and I had a band director my junior year who, for many reasons, inspired me to quit. But quitting didn’t stop my subconscious from creating over 60 tunes, which have been running around in my head during the last 60 years. Now that I am retired, I have chosen to learn the guitar, with the eventual goal of unleashing these tunes on you, the public. I have been playing guitar since July, 2021, and there is no escaping the ‘learning curve.’ And the recordings on this site reflect my skill level (or lack thereof), poor recording equipment, and the lack of a back-up band. But this sampling of songs should be good enough to give you an idea of what the tunes should sound like; enough for you to determine if you want to become part of the Stuh-Man Group and turn some of my songs into hits. I know I will become even better on the guitar than I was on the saxophone, if I pursue this ‘project’ long enough. And I am quite confident I have at least one ‘hit’ in me. As I get better and better, I will keep adding songs to this site. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments; I would love to hear from you, if you are interested in turning these songs into hits.
9 FollowersLeighStewy
9 Followerstwstewart7796
9 FollowersHomesteading Shorts
9 FollowersQuick videos of homesteading tricks, tips and more!