Relaxing Music 432 Hz by Stellas Starseeds


Hello beautiful soul! You can find here my music and videos, which I produce myself. I love peaceful and relaxing music and beautiful nature videos, also fantasy and abstract forms and shapes! I create my music in Logic Pro and my videos in Premiere Pro. Effects are made with After Effects and Plotaverse. You can subscribe to my channel here or follow me on Instagram for more inspirational content or follow me on Spotify to listen to my music (also as "Stellas Starseeds" on many other platforms) Find your inner peace and be happy!

Kreative Gesellschaft


Kreative Gesellschaft ist das Projekt der gesamten Menschheit, das es ermöglicht, unsere Zivilisation in kürzester Zeit und friedlich auf eine neue Stufe der evolutionären Entwicklung zu bringen. Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist AUF DER GANZEN WELT DIE KREATIVE GESELLSCHAFT AUFZUBAUEN, in der das Leben des Menschen den höchsten Wert hat. Hier finden Sie Videos, die von Menschen aus mehr als 180 Ländern der Welt produziert wurden. Schließen Sie sich dieser Initiative an und besuchen Sie offizielle Webseite des Projektes KREATIVE GESELLSCHAFT:

Russell Brunson - ClickFunnels


ClickFunnels - DotCom Secrets - Traffic Secrets - 30 Day Summit - Why ClickFunnels? Well there are many marketing tools out there, and when you review them, very few have been designed to do everything you need to do to create success. ClickFunnels allows you to sell a product online faster than anything you've ever seen and it is a simple way of making pages that convert. To find out more go to It's taken the sales process from shooting a shotgun blast at an entire market to a precise, targeted approach. People ask, is ClickFunnels worth it? And our response is absolutely! You can use ClickFunnels with everything! We've helped gyms scale their businesses, people who are Instagram marketers, organic skin care companies, non-profits, advertising agencies, and so many more. For many of our funnel hackers, it's literally been the difference between their business not being in existence, to a multi six-figure level. For some, it is having a business that's made a massive impact to over 100,000 customers and generated over $10,000,000 and that never would have happened without ClickFunnels. The last thing in the world that Click Funnels is, is a software. It is a culture and a way of life. When you step into this environment, it's like getting a team. You know Russell Brunson and the ClickFunnel's team truly want to see you have success and whatever your dreams are, they want to help you get there. Everybody's just one funnel away from having the life they've always wanted. We started Click Funnels with the goal of helping entrepreneurs like you to actually free themselves, and now we want to help free you. Let us know what type of business you're in and we'll tell you how to set up a funnel that will work best for you and for your company.