Unadulterated Thought Mechanism


Andersson Arte is young at heart but old in spirit. He has spent several lifetimes traversing this humble planet we call home: as a poet, a scholar, a distinguished gentleman with a golden voice gifted from the gods above. Andersson is Heaven-sent; a beautiful, sentient being with a pure heart who has been likened to Gandhi. But let not these words convince you of such; rather, allow the gentle caress of his voice to bring you to a state of untamed bliss, as he taps into your subconscious desires, convincing you of truths hidden beneath the surface of your incapacitated minds, which slowly rot as the establishment maintains control. Allow Andersson to expand your consciousness and accept our shared humanity through the expression of his inner conflict, which he expresses unashamedly, as he knows we are all, in fact, conflicted in our own way. However, with all being said, as you delve into the many facets of Andersson's complex personality, you will realise he has a great taste for the absurd; thus, not all of his creations are to be taken too seriously… And might I also mention, he feels great disdain toward those who refer to themselves in the third person.

Donde podrás escuchar, sugerir, disfrutar, soñar, crecer, aprender y ser una mejor persona para ti y para los demás


este canal esta dedicado a las cosas sacras es decir la historia real y debidamente explicada de la vida y obras de nuestro señor Jesus de Nazaret El Cristo. y ademas contendrá audiolibros de espiritualidad para crecer como personas y de demonologia para conocer como defendernos de nuestro enemigo el deletéreo Demonio SI ALGUNO DE USTEDES DESEA AYUDAR AÑADA NUESTRO CANAL AL SUYO Y NOSOTROS HAREMOS LO MISMO CON USTEDES Y NO OLVIDEN SUSCRIBIRSE ADEMAS SI LO DSEAN PUEDEN HACER UN DONATIVO DE LO QUE DESEEN A TRAVES DE PAYPAL PARA PONER CONTENIDO DE LIBROS MAS INTERESANTES SOBRE CRISTOLOGIA, TEOLOGIA, DEMONOLOGIA, CONFERENCIAS Y MAS PERO ESTO ES ENTERAMENTE A SU VOLUNTAD YA QUE NOSOTROS LO HACEMOS SIN LUCRO https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/huzars7 saludos y bendiciones Nuestro Catalogo de servicios para el que desee conocer a que si me dedico esto lo hago por hobbie https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/092iWMLSHo4skPyajYO7yEzNg#servicios%5Fcompletos%5Fhe%5Firdl_(optimizado_44) huzars.mx Vínculos Donativos para el canal paypal.me/huzars7 Nuestro Sitio Web huzars.com Mercado Shop huzars.com.mx Nuestro Facebook facebook.com/huzars7 Nuestra FANPAGE en FaceBook facebook.com/HuzarsEnterprises/?modal=admin_todo_tour Laboratorio de Computo facebook.com/Laboratorio-de-Computo-107331044104570/?modal=admin_todo_tour Servicios de Internet facebook.com/Servicios-de-Internet-105589557613855/?modal=admin_todo_tour Organizacion de Eventos facebook.com/Organizacion-de-Eventos-106019507570765/?modal=admin_todo_tour Diseño Grafico facebook.com/DisenoGraficohuzarsenterprises/?modal=admin_todo_tour Manejo de Documentos facebook.com/Manejo-Digitalizacion-Copia-y-Transcripcion-de-Documentos-100272561487268/?modal=admin_todo_tour Agencia de Eventos facebook.com/Agencia-de-Eventos-y-Activaciones-BTL-105354454304236/?modal=admin_todo_tour Lonas para todos usos facebook.com/lonashuzarsenterprises/?modal=admin_todo_tour IRDLDESIGN.COM irdldesign.com Detalles del canal huzars7@icloud.com www.youtube.com/@HUGORAMONZAMORANOSANCHEZ 27 k suscriptores 241 videos 661,844 vistas Se unió el 21 oct 2011 México