channel dedicated to exploring the complex intersection of masculinity and politics, as well as other important issues facing society today.


Welcome to our Rumble channel dedicated to exploring the complex intersection of masculinity and politics, as well as other important issues facing society today. Our channel provides a safe and open space for individuals of all genders to engage in thoughtful discussions about what it means to be a man in the modern world. We believe that a critical examination of masculinity and its relationship to power dynamics, politics, and social justice is crucial in creating a more equitable society. Through a variety of content, including interviews, panel discussions, and commentary, we delve into a range of topics related to masculinity and politics, such as toxic masculinity, men's mental health, gender-based violence, and the impact of politics on men's lives. We also explore other important issues facing society today, including environmental justice, racial justice, and economic inequality. Our goal is to provide a space where individuals can learn, reflect, and engage in meaningful dialogue about these complex issues. Join us as we explore the intricacies of masculinity, politics, and more, and work towards a more just and equitable society for all. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay up-to-date on our latest content on Rumble.

InnerVitality - Health, Inspiration & Self-Exploration


Welcome to Journey to Well-Being and Self-Discovery, a Rumble channel devoted to promoting health, wellness, motivation, and personal growth. Our mission is to inspire you on your journey of self-discovery by providing valuable content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and holistic living. We strive to empower you with practical tips, personal stories, and expert guidance to help you uncover your potential and live a life full of vitality, balance, and fulfilment. Subscribe to join our vibrant community and embark on this transformative adventure towards a healthier, happier you.



「真理解剖所」是 『雲聚訣』 基督教事工的其中一個項目,給大家一個平台去深入了解、查考和研究聖經真理;在主回來前更能了解神的話語,從而更認識祂的真理和計劃。 『雲聚訣』 (Harpazo Vale) 是一非牟利、不屬任何教派的基督教事工,延續早期 (2008年) 成立的「雲聚社」精神,由創辦人聚雲於2020年成立 - 透過不同媒介把聖經真理、末世信息和耶穌基督的福音帶到世界不同角落;並讓人們認識耶穌基督快來迎接教會(教會被提)這重要真理 - 教會被提在即,亦是隨時性的;藉著耶穌基督的預言與世界局勢作出比較後,我們信徒應知道這日子已經極近;隨之而來的是「雅各遭災的時候」即七年大災難、耶穌再來、千禧年、白色大寶座審判、最後是新天新地! 想接受並相信耶穌基督 想認識更多基督信仰 『雲聚訣』 - TG 『雲聚訣』 - TG 討論區 『雲聚訣』 - FB 『雲聚訣』 — 聯絡