Quantum Financial System


We encourage like-minded individuals to come together, share information and resources, while collaborating on projects and initiatives aimed at promoting positive change as we transform the world into a more just and equitable place. Motived by a desire to see an end to economic inequality, poverty, injustice. We address our aim to make significant changes to the global economic system that results in widespread prosperity, debt forgiveness, and the end of corruption throughout the world.

The New Age Whistleblower


Raising the big issues, and pointing out the mass mind control techniques that are being used on humanity to keep us from becoming our greatest version. I also cover the energetic and metaphysical manipulations going on which hold us back. I am passionate about helping others in their journey particularly with healing the inner child, motivational techniques, and anything that help people step into their power. My website for more information, blogs, vlogs, and services is https://transcendingtimes.org/ You can also buy my recent book 'Are you Living or Just Existing' at the site too. For energy healing sessions or inner child work you can contact me directly at tony@transcendingtimes.org