

Welcome to the channel, call me Lance. This channel is used to show off all sorts of elevator (and sometimes escalators) that I find overtime. I started this hobby Late in July 2019 and have been getting better ever since. I mainly film in West NC, but do occasionally film in East TN and other states from time to time. Similar to my Odysee Channel, this channel will also has Exclusive Content and Early Uploads compared to my main YT Channel, all marked with either EARLY ACCESS or EXCLUSIVE to those vids on this channel. Hope you enjoy! Odysee Channel:

Islams sande DNA


ISLAM ER EN RELIGIØST DREVET POLITISK IDEOLOGI Det er der heldigvis flere og flere, der er ved at opdage, MEN... Da jeg i sin tid opdagede Islams Sande DNA, var der én ting, jeg undrede mig over: HVORFOR ER DER EN HIMMELRÅBENDE MANGEL PÅ DOKUMENTATION??? For hvis kritikken skal give en ordentlig respons, skal den naturligvis være veldokumenteret... Savner du også information, der er solidt underbygget? Vil du gerne have viden, du kan bruge i samtaler i dagligdagen? Så er du kommet til rette sted, for uanset hvad der kommer herfra: VI HAR KILDERNE I ORDEN! Velkommen til Hjørnesparket - Islams Sande DNA! Abonnér - det koster GRATIS og hjælper kanalen til at være synlig...

Healing from the Inside Out


Bringing mind, body, soul, and spirit together through the art of storytelling creates a harmonious and holistic experience. This approach intertwines the intellectual clarity from the mind, the tangible experiences and well-being of the body, the profound emotions and intuition of the soul, and the transcendent connection of the spirit. By sharing stories, we delve into deep, personal narratives that resonate with these four pillars, fostering a sense of understanding, empathy, and interconnectedness. This process not only helps in self-discovery and healing but also builds bridges between individuals, allowing us to see the universal threads that weave through our unique experiences. It's a journey of growth, reflection, and unity, where every story shared becomes a catalyst for holistic well-being and collective enlightenment.