An Honest Conversation About Firearms


Open Arms presents An Honest Conversation About Firearms. In our podcast our host Brian Lockerman wants to open the conversation up about firearms. Brian sets politics aside and invites guests with a diversity of views, from all over the map to have open and honest conversations about guns. We span our conversations from safety to mental illness to stories for or against guns. We have guests that can teach us about all of the above. Short and sweet come give our show a chance. It only takes 15 minutes. Please submit all inquiries for the show to

Cesar Nascimento


Bem-vindo(a) ao meu canal! Aqui você encontrará conteúdo de qualidade sobre alguns dos temas mais relevantes para a compreensão da sociedade contemporânea, sempre com informações fundamentadas e sem sensacionalismo. Sou diplomata de carreira, mas meus interesses vão muito além da diplomacia: abrangem desde literatura e história até economia e psicologia, entre outros. Pretendo abordar os mais variados assuntos e convido todos a colaborar, apresentando críticas e comentários. Inscreva-se no canal e participe desta conversa franca e aberta! As opiniões aqui expressas têm caráter pessoal e não representam necessariamente a posição do Governo brasileiro.

God and the Paranormal


A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE on ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, demons, angels, psychics, magic, miracles, and other paranormal high strangeness. Why a Christian podcast about stranger things? Yes, there are many crucial topics for us to ponder and engage, such as evangelism, sanctification, outreach, and discipleship. However, there are often situations in which less important side issues sneak up from behind and bite the more important ones. Although the supernatural is just one component among many others in a biblical worldview, it's becoming increasingly evident that unbiblical paranormal beliefs are significantly altering the worldviews of our society and of many Bible-believing Christians. The pop-culture paranormal makes people question what they've believed to be true, which ultimately leads many to question the integrity of God's Word. Worldview matters, and when worldviews change, there will be tangible consequences to evangelism, discipleship, and faith in general. "God and the Paranormal" takes an in-depth look at what "experiencers" claim and how the phenomena interact with scriptural truth. See YouTube versions for pic, notes, charts,,, Website: Email: Check all our podcasts for a variety of topics like cryptids, miracles, Nephilim, ghosts, Bigfoot, biblical worldview, Heaven, Hell, dogman, Sasquatch, elementals, spiritual warfare, shadow people, black-eyed children, UFOs, UAPs, extraterrestrials, territorial spirits, hat man, Genesis 6, giants, Rephaim, Ephesians 6, moth man, rakes, skinwalkers, shape-shifters, ley lines, magic, psychics, ESP, demons, angels, pseudepigraphs, Watchers, Anunnaki, Ir, bene Elohim, sons of God, Sethite view, line of Cain, Lucifer, Satan, Eden, Yeti, DUMBs, Area 51, Jersey Devil, Wendigos, Stonehenge, Indrid Cold, Enoch, Chupacabras, Reptoids, and much more...

The Paradidomi Channel


Welcome to the Paradidomi Channel. My name is Jerry, and I will be your guide to an unfiltered and heavily contextualized approach to studying the Holy Bible. In each episode, we will do our best to enter into the world of the biblical authors; and then discover and discuss some of the Godly principals that transcend time, space, and culture, and are relevant for our lives today. The Word of God for the people of God—yesterday, today, and forever. "For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures." (1 Corinthians 15:3) Banner image by Myriams-Fotos downloaded from Pixabay.

Enlighten Me with Joe Pena


Having operated under the radar for over a decade, I was persuaded to publish my own work, aside from the work I've produced for others all this time. You'll find narrations, interviews, and other related material that might help you navigate your own journey in this lifetime. Much of it isn't my own material, but it's evident in each piece what inspired the media you'll find here. That said, Enlighten Me is a show that focuses on all things high-vibe. There is enough low vibrational material online, in print and in the media. Enlighten Me is a refuge. A way station. A place to reawaken that spirit within you that yearns for expression in your day to day life. That is what Enlighten Me is all about. Thanks for visiting. Joe(TheProducer)