Open Christian Archive


Welcome to the Open Christian Archive. Our mission is to explore and share thought-provoking videos featuring controversial speeches by world leaders, interpreted through the lens of Christian Eschatology. We believe in the power of open dialogue and encourage viewers to engage deeply with the content we provide. All our videos are shared under an open Creative Commons license, allowing you to freely use, reuse, and repurpose the material as you see fit. . Each video is accompanied by a curated list of sources for those who wish to further their understanding of the topics discussed. We warmly invite Christians to contribute their suggestions for content by reaching out to us at Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration and faith.

Open Source Farmer

22 Followers My name is Sean and I teach Natural Farming. Natural Farming is a farming method handed down and refined over thousands of years, but in secret among tight knit communities & families. It's sudden rise in popularity is spurring a farming revolution. One that will change the face of conventional synthetic & organic agriculture which will shake it to its core. This channel is here to promote free and paid classes and their location. We will also drop some videos and live streams along the way. Long Live the Natural Farmer!

Twin Tower City


TWIN TOWER CITY is a digital collectible NFT trading card game on the Polygon blockchain. The year is 2023. War rages in another world. The Forces of Light led by Don Triumph face a sinister Dark Cabal. In Twin Tower City, dominated by the imposing Triumph Tower, the Patriots make their final stand. Here and now, on the precipice of destruction, they must find the will to overcome an entrenched 6000-year-old enemy. Twin Tower City includes 19,700 unique NFT trading cards depicting individual battles between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. Each card features an original landscape, and one of seventeen Patriot Warriors, versus one of seventeen Cabal Warriors. Each Warrior wields one of seventeen Light or Dark Items. Each card also includes a quotation from either The Bible, The Constitution of the United States, or The Patriot Intelligence Board.

Modern Tower Of Babel


The Modern Tower of Babel is stripping us of our ability to communicate. While the ramifications are myriad and mindbogglingly complex, the simple reality that is sending us spinning into oblivion is easily described. While the Tower of Babel in the Bible is seen as God giving everyone a different language ie different words for the same ideas, the modern manifestation of this is to distort our language until we all have different ideas attached to the same words. If we cannot agree on the meaning of our own language, we will collapse into chaos and ultimately - and very quickly - despotism.

Open Summit


O mundo está cada vez mais Open, a transformação cada vez mais rápida, e para acompanhar este movimento é preciso conteúdo. #openSummit Evento semestral, uma semana de conteúdo on-line com palestrantes e debates relevantes sobre Open Banking, o futuro do sistema financeiro, o universo de Open Insurance e o mercado segurador. #openNews Notícias do ecossistema do Open Finance, PIX, Open Banking, Fintechs, Startups, Bigtechs, Insurtechs, regulações e eventos e outros tópicos relacionados ao mercado financeiro digital. #openTalks Entrevistas com profissionais relevantes do mercado, explorando a trajetória e os desafios enfrentados durante a sua carreira, e sua visão sobre determinados assuntos. #openExperiences Diálogos relevantes do mercado, compartilhando experiências explorando oportunidade e desafios de negócios.

Mama Grizzly's preparing for anything!


We are looking forward to hosting classes fresh off the farm in whatever self reliant skills you would like to learn more about - cultured milk products, including yogurt, sour cream, cheeses; herbal medicine making; gardening; first aid; making your own laundry and personal soap, and other personal care items; canning; dehydrating; freeze drying; etc., etc. To help you be a little more self reliant and prepared for...well, just about anything!

Welcome to Regular Joe Travels! Please Subscribe to Rumble and YouTube! In 2022 we will focus mostly on Mexico. When the world opens up, we will travel all over!


Hello and welcome! Regular Joe is going on the road! I recently purchased a van to travel in. We are going coast to coast, Florida to Alaska, Mexico to Canada! I look forward to making many memories in this van and sharing them with you. From boondocking at a Cracker Barrel or stealth camping in random locations. I look forward sharing a nomadic life. I doesn’t stop there. I love to travel abroad and that is where we will have the most fun! Thank you for watching my content. Staying busy trying to be the best vlogger I can be makes life a lot easier on me and I'm very humbled by your attention. RegularJoeTravels - Paypal RegularJoeTravels - FB RegularJoeTravels - Instagram RegularJoeGo -Twitter RegularJoeTravels - Twitch Amazon wishlist for the channel: Merch is available NOW: Regular Joe

Project Third-Eye Opened


We seek take a more provocative look at the social and political issues and events of today, and some of yesterday, from a view that is different & unique manner. It will be commentary, opinion-based, with historical reference. Some of the content may be offensive for those who may be psychologically uncomfortable with the truth and find comfort with political correctness, and a few cuss words thrown in here and there. We want to do what we can to offer a voice for those who understand that there are important events going on in our nation and in our neighborhoods that are being reported in overt misleading and deceptive manner. It is not meant to be politically correct, polite, nor fit into your current beliefs. It is meant to encourage you to think outside of the box and question what is going and more importantly WHY? Views and opinions presented may not appear accurate or true to you. Question everything. Do your own homework. Feel free to drop me a line.