The OCD & Anxiety Show with Matt Codde LCSW


My name is Matt Codde and I help people who are struggling with OCD & Anxiety take back control of their lives by helping them master the Triple-A Response. As someone who personally struggled with OCD & Anxiety for years, I know how challenging it can be to navigate all the chaos and find the right help. And after living in this loop for several years, I eventually got to the point where I started to lose hope for my future. But one day, I had this sinking realization: all this energy I was using to fight my thoughts and feelings wasn’t working. So instead of trying harder, perhaps it was time to shift gears and try a different approach. And this ultimately led me to create the Triple-A Response. Learn more about Matt and Restored Minds:

Your Storyteller Monty 🔥


This channel is your own and you will get the story of every variety like !! heart touching story like you, So please like and subscribe my channel for enjoyment And also like and subscribe my other channel For News Updates For Comedy and Entertainment For Best Story About Human For Baby World Stories that make you crazy, Silent Crush, Love trends, Love me please, A billion dollar wife, Truly deeply medley, Horror series, unfaithful love, Girlfriend who is neither mine nor anyone else's, tragedy story, Drama Story, Comedy Story, Witch and ghosts Story and much more, Stay connected with us to know more hope you like my stories you will get 1 to 2 story daily And please like and subscribe my channel #shorts #story #storytime #stories #hearttouchingstorylikeyou #Storiesthatmakeyoucrazy #SilentCrush #Lovetrends #Lovemeplease #Abilliondollarwife #Trulydeeplymedley #Horrorseries #unfaithfullove #Girlfriendwhoisneitherminenoranyoneelse's #tragedystory #DramaStory #ComedyStory #WitchandghostsStoryandmuchmore #shorts

TPR Community


This channel is run by members of The People Restored (TPR) Community. We are a private membership community. Our focus is threefold: Gathering like-minded people we can trust, learn from, and rely on. Creating a parallel economy where we support each other’s businesses by promoting and buying goods and services, using not only regular currency but also alternative forms of currency. Using private contract law to protect our traditional American family values, constitutional rights, and liberties. This channel is a way for us to share knowledge and information with each other, as well as with those looking for a community to be a part of. We are a nationwide PMC (Private Membership Community). If you would like to learn more about us, watch this short intro video ( ), then visit our website to learn more: