New American Dream


The American Dream used to mean going to college, getting a job and then retiring after 40 years and letting the government take care of you. But does that dream still hold up in the modern world? And more importantly: are you willing to bet your future on it? We sure as hell aren’t. That’s why we created this channel—to help guide you along the actual journey required to build wealth and freedom in America in 2024 and beyond. Here, you’ll follow us—Ashot and Vaz Avakyan—two immigrants who came from nothing and have built a portfolio of 9 businesses with over 200 employees and $25M in annual revenue. On this channel, you can expect to learn: How to invest in yourself How to diversify your investments and income streams to remain profitable in any economic climate How to acquire the skills you will need to evolve faster than the competition And so much more. Welcome to The New American Dream. Subscribe today.

One New Man, A TJCII Documentary Series


This docuseries explores a groundbreaking initiative that has been working towards unifying Jews and Christians in the body of Messiah around the world, as well as reconciliation between Christian denominations. This series explores the decision that opened the floodgates for salvation to reach the gentile world, the eventual rejection of the Jewish part of the church by the gentiles, and the rise of replacement theology and antisemitism that led to some of the greatest atrocities in history. It also investigates the reemergence of Messianic Judaism and how this initiative of Towards Jerusalem Council II is not just bring reconciliation to the body of Christ, but also moving entire nations and nation leaders to repentance for atrocities done to the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

A Struggle for Peace and Justice


Welcome to the 'Palestine: A Struggle for Peace and Justice' channel, where we delve deep into the complex and enduring conflict in the Middle East. Our goal is to provide a platform for informed discussions, analysis, and a better understanding of the historical, political, and humanitarian aspects of the Palestine-Israel conflict. Join us as we explore the narratives, stories, and perspectives from both sides of the conflict, aiming to foster empathy, dialogue, and awareness. Our channel will feature documentaries, interviews, expert analyses, and personal testimonies that shed light on the challenges and aspirations of the Palestinian people, as well as the broader geopolitical context. Subscribe to stay informed, engage in constructive conversations, and become a part of the solution to this long-standing issue. Together, we can work towards a future where peace, justice, and dignity prevail for all in the region.



Meditate to improve the quality of life Meditation is all about focusing on a thought, feeling, or sound to achieve a state of deep relaxation. This relaxed state can help reduce muscle tension and stress, and increase focus and mental clarity. Meditation is accessible to everyone, regardless of religion or culture. It does not require any special tools or instruments, just a quiet place to sit or lie down comfortably. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime and for any length of time, even for just a few minutes a day. To start meditating, choose a quiet time and place where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breath. If you are distracted by external thoughts or noises, don't worry, just bring your attention back to your breath.