Freelance Jobs


Freelance work offers the freedom and flexibility to pursue your passions and talents while dictating your own schedule and workload. As a freelancer, you have the autonomy to choose your projects, clients, and rates, allowing you to tailor your career to suit your preferences and lifestyle. Disclaimer: The video featured here is provided for informational and educational purposes only. World of Freelance Videos does not own the rights to this video. All rights and credits belong to the rightful owner. If you are the owner of this video and believe it has been used without proper authorization, please contact us, and we will address the issue promptly.

Modder Paul Scambaits


I am a Scam Baiter. I call scammers to waste their time, access their systems and steal their data... My team rescues victims young and old alike and reports everything to the authorities. I am Modder Paul Scambaits. Scammers beware... If you like this content and want to support me, follow me on the links below: My Twitch Channel: My Twitter Account: #scambaits #scam_baits #scambaiter #scambaiting #scammers #scammer



Mobster Chronicles is a syndicate of mob enthusiasts and insiders, who present unique, fact based videos and discussions about Organized Crime in the US and Canada, with a focus on lesser known mob families in cities like Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Pittsburgh and St. Louis. We present the mob's "point of view" on organized crime, with an unbiased eye, and DON'T take cheap shots, or pass any judgement, on those involved. We also expose those Wannabe Gangsters who dare to lie about their life and connections to La Cosa Nostra in America, and those Snitches, Stoolies and Rats, who did the crime, but couldn't do the time. ALL are targets, and NONE are safe from our pursuit. Mob Liars, Snitches and Wannabes: You can run, you can lie, you can rat but you CAN'T hide.

Street Smart Mods


I like to fix neglected cars, motorbikes, trucks and vans with the assistance of machine tools when necessary, sometimes going a little bit overboard. My passion for wrenching started when I was 15 and continues today the only change is fine bourbon complementing the delightful aromas of brake cleaner, lubricating fluids and the smell of burned grease and rubber. If this sounds appealing to you, you'll be in for a treat with random technical tips and tricks to work on your own wheels. When I was young, I couldn't stand to work, but enjoyed watching others do it for hours. Grab the beverage of your choice, pull up a seat and enjoy watching me work!

Gokuma's Doom Modding & Odd Things


Only cool stuff allowed here! No weeb shite! Got a problem with that? I'll concuss you with my huge wrecking BALLS, and you can take your blubbering mangina elsewhere to cry a freaking river of cringe! Mostly Doom modding and some other stuff. Home website PROUDLY hosted by ModDB page Recruited by Kontra Kommando as the other half of Team RetroFPS to work on the new expanded editions of Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom I can't stand Dragon Ball, and don't care about Street Fighter 5 or 6, so don't expect to see any of that on my channel.

UMBRAVOOX by Job Vasquez


UMBRAVOOX es el nombre de mi banda de rock y lleva un significado profundo. Es una combinación de dos conceptos poderosos: "Umbra": la sombra, lo oculto y lo que llevamos dentro. "Vox": la voz, lo que emerge para expresar lo que muchos no se atreven a decir. Además, es un acrónimo que refleja nuestra esencia: Universe Mysteries Beyond Reason And Voices Of Oblivion and eXistence. Somos una mezcla de luz y oscuridad, razón y locura, llevando nuestra música a los límites de lo humano. 🌌🎸