Ev Dogg for Mayor


Drawing on twelve years' experience in alternative medicine, my analysis focuses on the history of medicine and the philosophy of science. I used to be way into urban planning, hence the name, but then the "coof" came along. I also dabble in geopolitics. Confessional Lutheran ✝ * * * * * DONATIONS: PayPal » evdogg@evdoggformayor.com Venmo » @Dani-Evan-Benton We gladly accept Bitcoin & Dogecoin donations! ON THE WEB: telegram » t.me/evdoggformayor rumble.com/evdoggformayor bitchute.com/evdoggformayor odysee.com/evdoggformayor steemit.com/@evdoggformayor facebook.com/evdoggformayor COMING SOON: www.evdoggformayor.com CHECK OUT: Benton Homestead » Uprooted instagram.com/bentonhomestead facebook.com/bentonhomestead * * * * *



These videos are for educational use only. These suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and by a jury of their peers. Police presence is always requested at the scene upon completion of the interview. We, Pred Slayers, hold all the rights to these videos. We do not condone harassment or violence towards these individuals. We publish this footage to show the reality of the dangers of children online and allow parents and/or guardians to see what our children see daily. We can only fix this if we as parents and/or guardians fight to end this and allow our children to be safe online. If you feel like supporting our cause please do so on CashApp @ $marlborotoke420 (Toe) or $purplerose320 Only we as a community and as a society can fix this problem that we have. We are NOT I repeat NOT law enforcement and never introduce or present ourselves as such.

This Might Be Risky


#THELOCKERROOM #REALTALK #GUYTALK #ACCOUNTABIITY #MARRIAGE #RELATIONSHIPS #DATING #RELIGION #CULTURE WWW.INDEEDTEES.COM/RISKYLOGOMERCH Full Live Stream Here: https://youtu.be/sY8DGIrLX8c Donate: Cash app - $DjHamp1 Podcast Audio Streams! https://open.spotify.com/show/1MiA7Or... https://anchor.fm/thismightberisky Follow TikTok @thismightberisky: https://www.tiktok.com/@thismightberisky Follow @DJHamp: https://www.instagram.com/djhamp Follow @thismightberisky: https://www.instagram.com/thismightbe... Follow Our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thismightber... All topics up for grabs, no stone to be left unturned. From race, to religion, to sexual orientation, to politics, to sport and whatever the F! else we and our viewers want to talk about. If you are easily offended and love to stay misinformed, this probably isn't the channel for you! #indeed #dotherightthing #putuminthebathroom



My 94 year old Mother -In-Law was in assisted living during COVID. and unfortunately died while being on lock-down. In reality she was locked up, a prisoner in her room. No outside contacts for six months, meals alone and no social contacts with other "inmates". Effectively solitary confinement. She always enjoyed my player piano and loved to sing along with us. I want to bring this joy to others who might be a "captive" audience . I thought about putting the piano in my pick up truck and going around to facilities and playing but decided that this would cause damage to my antique player piano. So I came up with the idea to have a video channel. I hope this will be enjoyed by Nursing Home and Assisted Living residents and Day Care and Nursery School children as well as families singing together. If you care to give a gift of any amount to support my work you can give it at: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=2C5L5PNBHT7WU