Edgar Cruz Ministries


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Muzzle First


At Muzzle First our goal is to make fun, information and educational videos for the firearms and outdoors enthusiast. We do product reviews, shooting videos, educational videos, how-to videos and other activities that interest me. I am a life member of the NRA and believe anyone who owns a firearm should be also. I believe in our god given rights and freedoms. I believe the Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States of America is the law of the land. The Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States is all that stands between us and tyranny. Without the Bill of Rights there is no Constitution. Without the Constitution there is no United States of America. Protect what is yours, protect what god gave, and let no man or government stand between you and your freedom! God made you free, only you can relinquish that freedom. "But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Rachel Cruze


Hi, I’m Rachel! I love Jesus, pizza and the Enneagram, and I’m the host of The Rachel Cruze Show—which you’ll find here on YouTube, on Facebook, and wherever you listen to podcasts. I teach people how to get out of debt and win with money. As Dave Ramsey's daughter, I was taught from an early age how to give generously, spend wisely, and save for the future. I understand the dangers of debt and have seen firsthand the damage it can do. Learning how to tell my money where to go using a budget was a game changer for me. I found that the more I did it, a budget didn’t limit my freedom—it gave me freedom. And I’m passionate about sharing that so you can experience that freedom too! Since then, as a Ramsey Personality, I’ve written four bestselling books and met people from all walks of life who just want to get their money under control. My message is simple: I want you to take control of your money and create a life you love!