Tim Kellner, Love Priest, Love Channel, Timm Kellner


Ich heiße Timm Kellner, bin 49 Jahre alt, Deutscher, und habe meinem Land als Soldat und Polizist gedient. Ich habe eine gefestigte Meinung und sage, was ich denke, auch wenn das mittlerweile in Deutschland nicht mehr erwünscht ist. Ich bin Präsident des Motorradclubs Brothers Guard MC Germany und habe des weiteren die Liste „Für die Eigenen!“ gegründet, welche eine außerparlamentarische Bürgerbewegung ist, die dazu dienen soll, möglichst viele vernünftig denkende Menschen zu vernetzen, um ein politisches und soziales Gegengewicht zu dem herrschenden Parteienkartell zu bilden. Für die Eigenen! Tim K. Webseite der Liste „Für die Eigenen!“: www.fuerdieeigenen.de Impressum Timm Kellner Ulmenstr. 2 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg kontakt@fürdieeigenen.de Tel.: 0151-65980917 USt-ID: DE239103205 Ihr möchtet meine Arbeit unterstützen: Kontoinhaber: Timm Kellner IBAN: DE 64 2546 2160 0773 0853 01 BIC: GENODEF1HMP

The Lone Wolf Channel


Living as a lone wolf man in today's world. The Lone Wolf Channel is a channel for people (mostly geared towards men) to discuss topics, news, articles, and humor in today's society. The main focus is looking at issues from multiple or under represented angles. The topics I discuss are not often heard in 2021 and people need to hear this message. The divorce rates and single parent households in 2021 and beyond are extremely high and critical thought needs to be given as to why this has happened. Additionally, being alone and single is not a curse, its a blessing. Feel free to like, comment, share, subscribe, it will help the channel grow and support future content. #Bachelor #Go your own way #Crimson Capsule #ManoSphere #MGTOW



Description “I Love Muzzleloading” is an independent group reporting on all things muzzleloading. From the traditional craftspeople building from scratch to modern manufacturers pushing the limits of engineering, we love muzzleloading. We are a family-friendly traditional black powder and modern muzzleloading firearms channel focusing on the stories behind the people, tools, muzzleloaders, and events that make this great sport possible. Videos will include original flintlock and percussion longrifles, modern inline muzzleloaders, pistols, muskets, smoothbores as well as how-to projects, plinking, event and match coverage, as well as muzzleloading tips and tricks just to name a few.

Classical Music Channel


Welcome to the enchanting world of classical music, where timeless masterpieces and extraordinary compositions come to life. Our channel is dedicated to sharing the beauty, passion, and emotion of classical music with audiences worldwide, inviting you to embark on an unforgettable journey through the rich tapestry of musical history. From the soaring melodies of Mozart and the romantic passion of Beethoven to the innovative harmonies of Debussy and the dramatic intensity of Wagner, our carefully curated selection of performances showcases the breathtaking variety and depth of the classical music tradition. We feature recordings by legendary artists and rising stars alike, ensuring a diverse and ever-evolving listening experience for our cherished subscribers. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer, our channel offers an accessible and engaging entry point into the world of classical music. Unwind with soothing symphonies, marvel at virtuosic concertos, or explore the hidden gems of lesser-known composers – there's always something new and inspiring to discover. Join us in celebrating the transcendent power of classical music, and let its sublime harmonies elevate your spirit and enrich your soul. Subscribe to our channel today, and immerse yourself in a world of beauty, elegance, and wonder, as we delve into the captivating realm of classical music together.