Project Guiding Light


In The Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, and Especially Merciful. We thank you for taking the time to check out the contents of this page. Project Guiding Light is an initiative by a group of like minded brothers and sisters, who are passionate about practicing their Religion, as well as taking an active part in disseminating the authentic teachings of The Messenger Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). While seeking The Aid of Allah, we intend to provide Islamic Courses on the 'Asl (Core Foundation) of our Religion. We ask Allah to purify our intentions, and keep us sincere. For more information on upcoming courses, please join our Telegram Channel Page (@Project_guiding_Light). For all other inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach us by email. والسلام على من اتبع الهدى

Krysto Sophia~Circle of Light


Clare & Jeffrey work with Divine Mother Sophia & Divine Father Krysto energies. Assisting clients with sacred alchemy to reconnect & self heal. Working with embodying the Union of Source Krysto/ Sophia to achieve harmonic balance within their life's & fulfilling their souls mission. They offer Workshops, Spiritual Guidance for Self Healing, Sound Therapy & Quantum Healing sessions such as: A.U.R.A (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy) R.A.A.H (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing) Q.G.A.R (Quantum Galactic Akashic Reader) We also travel to many sacred places to aid in the ascension of Mother Earth & the Collective. If you are guided to book a session with Clare, Jeffrey or with them both, please go to

The Light of Prophet Legacy


Welcome to FootstepsOfTheProphet, a channel dedicated to exploring the life, teachings, and legacy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Our mission is to share his wisdom, guidance, and the timeless lessons from his Sunnah to help you live a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life. Join us on this journey as we walk in the footsteps of the Prophet, embracing his virtues and striving to implement his teachings in our daily lives. #ProphetMuhammad #Sunnah #IslamicGuidance #TeachingsOfTheProphet #IslamicWisdom #FootstepsOfTheProphet #ProphetLegacy #IslamicChannel #LifeOfTheProphet #ProphetPBUH #viral #trending #news #islam #islamic

A Light Unto The Gentiles


Long ago, over 2,730 years ago, there was a curse put on the ten northern tribes of Israel, a curse they deserved for their idolatry and betrayal of a righteous Elohim. They were kicked out of the land in 722 bce (before the common era). Those tribes were scattered all over the face of this earth and propagated their seed. The curse period has ended. Since 2009, many who were in the churches awakened to the Ruach HaQodesh calling to them to return to YaHuWaH, witnessing to them they are from the ten lost tribes, and have been among the Gentiles. The Torah is the way, the truth, and the life. And, so is Yahushua the way, the truth, and the life. Come study and fellowship with us as we share from the truthful Scriptures, studying the original Hebrew language. We share the Name of YaHuWaH, and His Son, Yahushua. We share the true calendar of the Scriptures, the original lunisolar calendar, found in Genesis 1:14-16, Psalm 104:19, Leviticus 23, and so many more truths and worship music.

Lighted Way Ministries Verified


Lighted Way Church Ministries channel. Lighted Way Ministries, which was officially founded in the spring of 2007. Mark and Shauna Manfredine, of Lighted Way Ministries, are committed to serving our Heavenly Father and furthering the advance of His Kingdom. To that end, we offer seminars, retreats and workshops. All are called to know and live-by the Word that is the Lamp unto our feet and the Light upon our path. May the Heavenly Father bless you with ever-increasing light.