Un podcast où nous lirons la parole de Dieu ensemble en utilisant la version Parole De Vie (PDV) et partagerons des témoignages de vie. Gloire à l'Éternel! Canal Anglais: Canal Polyglotte: Resources: Compte X Frère: Compte Truth Social: Compte Mastodon:



NEW GENERATION 2022 UNIVERSE : This channel was created for the "new generation" of PEOPLE who want to EVOLUTE and stay away from TODAY'S ERROR manipulation patterns of EVOLUTION. WANTING TO CREATE A SECONDED HUMAN WITHOUT COMMITMENTS ONE "FREE HUMAN" that will be CHANGE FIRST TO THE SERVICE AND ACCOUNT TO THE "NATURE, ANIMAL, HUMAN, THAT KNOWING THAT THE EASY SUMMARY HAS BEEN RESULT TO TAKE IN WORD CHOICE AND NOT WE CAN realize what we can do and what our role is here, so we decided to create the channel to participate here together online after many years of research by NON-RANDOM PEOPLE WHO ARRIVED A THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO in order to pass on the baton to the next generations for the proper evolution of man, the universe, life and nature, THEY BROUGHT THE NATURAL AND ANIMAL KINGDOM IN HARMONY, WHICH SOME CONVERTED AND ADAPTED THEM TO THEIR OWN ET MAN ending IN WHAT WE LIVE NOW and see IN FRONT OF US ... every advice, thought and financial help is accepted or for the predominance of the channel without imposition, obligation, commitment and manipulation ... thank you very much ..!!!"BECOME YOUR STANDARD FOR YOU AND THE OTHERS AROUND YOU" ... "LOVE YOURSELF TO UNDERSTAND ITS POWER AND RESULTS" .... "Do not be afraid to say sorry and thank you" ... "LIVE YOUR DREAMS 100% AS IT IS YOUR LAST DAY" ! !

Apollo 11: Landing on the Moon

1 Follower

On July 20, 1969, the United States of America made history by landing two men on the Moon. As we commemorate this incredible event, we take a look back at the incredible journey that led to that momentous day. In this video, we explore the history of the Apollo 11 mission, from the legendary Space Race to the triumphant launch and landing on the moon. We explore the technology that made the Apollo 11 mission possible, and look back at the ultimate achievement of humanity: walking on the moon! Apollo 11: Landing on the Moon On July 20, 1969, humans walked on another world for the first time in history, achieving the goal that President John F. Kennedy had set in 1961, before Americans had even orbited the Earth. After a landing that included dodging a lunar crater and boulder field just before touchdown, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored the area around their lunar landing site for more than two hours. When the lunar module landed at 4:17 p.m EDT, only 30 seconds of fuel remained. Armstrong radioed "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Mission control erupted in celebration as the tension breaks, and a controller tells the crew "You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue, we're breathing again." #nasa #spac #nasavideo #subscribe