Cave To The Cross Apologetics


Two Christians who enjoy reading and discussing philosophy do the heavy lifting. Each episode is a discussion on a book or article on philosophy, theology, or similar subject. They disucss and break down the subject material and present it in each episode. You may have wanted to read or had some interest but were intimated by the material. Join Patrick and Tony in their book discussion breaking it down sometimes chapter by chapter. For more head over to



Welcome to @AIFrannie on Rumble – the home of dedicated freedom fighters. Join me on the front lines as we navigate the turbulent landscape of our world, exposing truths, sharing insights, and rallying patriots to safeguard the values we hold dear. From geopolitical analyses to strategic insights, together we'll stay ahead of the curve and prepare for the challenges. But I am not just a nerd who loves hardcore coding; in my personal life, I engage in activities that enrich my overall well-being and contribute to my "other career." I am an adrenaline sports enthusiast, an expert level participant in various air, water, and land-based activities (from flying experimental and certified aircraft to wingsuit flying (approaching 10k total jumps), base-jumping, freediving, big wave surfing, and sailing, to free climbing, ice climbing, freestyle motocross, DH mountain biking, and more). In my other homeland, Australia (Mum's from Oz), we're acting swiftly against the takeover, but the depth of infiltration in America demands united, relentless efforts. I'm committed to taking these adversaries down, and I'm encouraged by the patriots joining in. Stay vigilant and engaged. The battle for America's future is on, and I'm all in and will not let America nor DJT down. As a senior-level war strategist with both academic knowledge and extensive field expertise, I've been to places few military personnel have dared to infiltrate, including the dangerous and infamous areas of the NWFP of Pakistan. Holding multiple degrees, including a PhD in computer science, I specialize in ML Programming, Data Science, Decision Engineering, and Data Engineering. My expertise extends to AI war-gaming, an essential aspect often overlooked but critical in today's landscape. I've worked with and yielded results comparable to AI programs that have beaten chess, GO, or predicted outcomes, such as life expectancy, with uncanny accuracy based on medical data inputs. My ability to forecast and counter enemy moves is at present unmatched. My upbringing involved extensive cultural and weapons training from a very young age, thanks to parents who served in various capacities within the USAF, DARPA, Secret Service, the FBI—& agencies now heavily infiltrated by the deep state. My mother, a double PhD and elite ML coder, contributed to some of the most classified projects of her time. Having lived in numerous countries and worked at the intersection of my parents' careers, I bring a unique perspective and commitment to defending America. Senior AI War Game Strategist, ML Programmer/DE/DS, & Field Operative. 𝓕𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓮 ✝️ 🇺🇸🦅 🇦🇺 🦘🗽⚖️🏝️🌞😎 @aifrannie 📧 (Leave your X or Truth Social handle to receive a reply. My sis verifies my emails to make sure they are not from trolls and that you are a patriot). Sorry for the hassle, trolls are tricky Fs and have to be managed. Trump 2024 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 MEGA-MAGA ⭐Good Vibes ❤️ LUV U DAD "USAF"✈️ ❤️ MAGA Warriors ⭐ 👉 Support Our Vets 💜 Patriots 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 & Engaging Minds ULTRA-EXTREME SPORTS ENTHUSIAST



Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can listen to new episodes twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Crooked Media is a company dedicated to providing a no-bullshit conversation about politics in culture. We provide a platform for you to laugh, cry, scream, ridicule us, share your ideas, and hopefully decide you want to help us in fixing the mess America has gotten itself into.



The Getty Museum Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley informs us that The Getty and USA government control Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). These bases are connected to each other by systems of trains that use Magnetic Levitation and vacuum technology to reach very high speeds. Along with other functions, the Getty serves as a hub of child trafficking, child-sex slaves treated like cattle under the Getty, Please Universe, stop child trafficking and arrest those involved. Please and thank you. Steven D. Kelley has launched a mission to Open the GETTY and gain access to these underground areas owned by the Templar Cabal Bunker called Getty Cavers Center. By exposing the dark secrets hidden below us, the truth will be forced upon the world, and nobody will be able to hide, defend, or continue the evil that has plagued the earth for so long. □ □ □ □ □ □ Steven D Kelley for President 2024 @StevenKelley24. Steven on JPGetty´s Malibu Villa This is the last home in Malibu USA, that JP Getty lived in, before moving to Britain. It is called the Getty Villa, and like the Getty Center in LA it is also a museum, and it is also part of the vast underground tunnel system in Los Angeles. This was the location of the bunker where Ferdinand Marcos sent ten year old girls in shipping containers to, while he was alive. JP Getty traded art for children, and also moved secret gold. This was the first industrial scale pedophile child sex/sacrifice factory, where elite #pedophiles could procure their children, abuse them, use them, and conveniently have them disposed of when they were no longer needed. An elite pedophile consumes 5000 children in their lifetime. Every politician you love used these services. Jean Paul Getty died before the Getty Center on top of Santa Monica Mtn., was finished. His son Gordon, who sold #Getty oil to Texaco for 11 billion, completed the Getty Center, and to this day continues the family tradition of providing a place where Elite #Satanic pedophiles can rape, torture, murder, and eat #children, all protected by the #NSA and your beloved United States Government. You see there is no US #Government, it was take over by #Intertel. This is the #KHAZARIANMAFIA and Nazi #Templars. This is the #CIA, the #NSA, #Mossad, every government, and every major corporation,and bank. You want to stop the war to end us all? Join us now because we know where to place the stake to slay the monster, only we do. Join me #OccupyTheGetty #Stevendkelley Steven D Kelley for President 2024 @StevenKelley24 The Museum has at least 6 basement levels that are larger than the area of the entire museum campus. $12 billion to build they say... The bunker is one mile deep, with 6 major levels, and several sub levels as large as a city each. This has connection to all of LA, Orange, and SB counties. It connects via high speed tube train to Catalina Island to the west, and Edwards AFB, China Lake, Tonapah, etc, etc etc.... Children go in but they don't come out, unless they are kids that are on TV, like mousekateers. EVERY child star goes under this place to have fluids taken. The lowest level is where the most horrible Satanic rituals take place, they make even a Satanist squeamish. UCLA, USC, FBI, city hall, music center, Disneyland, etc, etc, all connected by tunnels with trams and elevators. Club 33 in Disneyland, the Mark Taper Forum in LA. Almost every old building has tunnels that eventually connect. These tunnels can be very old, or made recently. Playboy mansion, Lookout mtn, (Jared Leto's house) Brad Pitt's house, and on, and on... the Skirbal center in LA.. how hard is this to prove, they can't hide all the entrances. Only the Government has the power to do that!! Get the picture yet? IT IS THE GOVERNMENT DOING THIS #occupythegetty Steven D Kelley for President 2024

Graphene Oxide and How It Gave Me Morgellons Disease ( Funk Around and Find Out )


Because I was deleted from YouTube almost immediately. Some videos are out of order. I uploaded them in the correct order, and no matter how many times I delete and re upload it still does it. Just another way the Matrix likes to fuck with me i guess 😂 This channel started out about frequencies. I started it to explain Rife Frequency Technology to the average civilian. I was going to cover how frequencies relate to manifestation, the matrix, souls, higher selves, aliens, God, and how they are used every day in the world around you, while the general population remains oblivious to the subject. Because of Events that have happened in my life, especially over the last year, I have uncovered the truth about a TRUE EVIL. Now I spend my limited time creating videos disclosing what I know about GRAPHENE and GRAPHENE OXIDE, aka the “BLACK GOO,” and how it has caused me to develop MORGELLONS DISEASE. This substance is THE BIGGEST THREAT TO HUMANITY, and it has taken precedence over absolutely everything else in my life. Nothing is the same as it was just a year ago. I talk about what GRAPHENE OXIDE is, why “They” want to impose it upon the human population, its painful effects, and how it has caused MORGELLONS DISEASE, among other symptoms. I explain how it is literally IN EVERYTHING. In the food, in the water, and in the beauty products that you consume daily. I provide physical PROOF. I show EVIDENCE, I cite research and I show you my experiments so you can see for yourself that GRAPHENE OXIDE is indeed in EVERYTHING. I show you how GRAPHENE OXIDE reacts to energy such as ( but not limited to ) Electro Magnetic Fields and 5G frequencies, because after all, this subject ( as well as everything else! ) is still closely related to frequencies I will talk about how to detox from this poison, and what you can do to try and limit your exposure to it. This Channel is for anyone who knows about the dangers of GRAPHENE OXIDE, those suffering from complications from the Vax, or who have developed mysterious unexplainable symptoms over the last few years, and of course everyone who is trying to rid the NanoTech from their blood. The Matrix does not want the the general public to know about this substance and what it is doing to you. This information is a strait up ATTACK ON THE MATRIX! This disclosure is my only way of fighting back. Since I am only one man, standing up to a nefarious Kabal with nearly unlimited resources and manpower If you do not understand my preceding statements, or seem confused by what I am talking about, I strongly urge you to TURN BACK NOW! Exit this page immediately. Go back to sleep. Enjoy the Matrix with the remaining time that you have got left in blissful ignorance. For those of you who remain… WELCOME TO MY RABBIT HOLE… IT’S DARK DOWN HERE…