Information & Entertainment. No Fluff


What's up guys, I am known as Maker. I'm a long-time content creator with a passion for educating and entertaining. This channel will be dedicated to creating long-form infotainment videos about various topics in media, philosophy, psychology, games, and more in the form of iceberg charts and other narratives. You can expect a few new videos every week filled to the brim with informative and entertaining content. This gives me a reason to feed my thirst for knowledge and an outlet to share what I've learned. I won't be spending a lot of time telling awkward jokes or plugging my social medias. I know you're here for the content and that's what I will be providing you with! Eventually I will start other channels with a more personal approach but for now, subscribe and join us in our journey of enlightenment. Cheers!



The transformation is happening, whether we like it or not. We are changing as individuals and as part of the bigger picture. It may take time to adjust to our increasing intuition and abilities while being cautious of those who try to deceive us or hold us back. We are becoming more sensitive, which leads to confrontations with our environment. With her videos, Mirjam inspires, guides and challenges you to stand your ground and become who you intend to be.

Information Warfare Press Verified


This channel posts videos about information warfare and analyzes news to show propaganda and help people find the truth. Join us while we talk to Westerners, Ukrainians, Russians, and others about how they view their lives in their respective countries of residence. How it is to live in Crimea as a foreigner. Also see our other channels on Rumble: - AmericanCrimea (our streams on life and tourism in Crimea) - AmericanCrimeaInterviews (Our regular Saturday Live streams) - EnglishKrym (Our English School student lessons) You can support our work through donations at: (US/Ruble) (US/Europe) BitCoin: 3CmFVh5fCCbobNzdxGrGP2BuK3sQ5iSqxG

QUIZarenaLIVE : Nostalgic Trivia to Encourage the Discovery of New Information


QUIZarenaLIVE, the remarkable, beautifully-made new production, stitched together from the still warm body parts or other Aussie game shows comes your weekly injection of nostalgia that is guaranteed to keep you glued to your seat. With heart racing questions and a pleasing aesthetic, QUIZarenaLIVE is about to become one of the most talked-about shows ever to be blocked from your memory. Explore the site to watch exclusive clips and to find out information about screening times.



Sammeltopf für Servermiete, Videosoftware und funktionierende Hardware Wer sich hier beteiligt hilft dabei den Blog "mein Werk" ins Leben zu rufen und mir dabei ihn mit Leben zu füllen. Er wird wie all mein wirken ein Geschenk an die Gemeinschaft sein und jeden der es annehmen möchte. Ein Archiv des Wissens dass jedem zur Verfügung steht. Damit möchte ich danke sagen und etwas beitragen. Zum höchsten Wohle aller, auch für Mutter Erde.🍀❤ Ich danke euch und lade, wie in all meinem Gruppen und Kanälen, jeden herzlich ein dabei zu sein, sich einzubringen und Freude daran zu haben🥰🍀❤ #m8y1