Come Smokes Relax & Enjoy. MoeJoe's Band (Demo's)


These demo's will be subject to change for the better, anything we need to add or remove in this demo ?,help us out, with the tracks on full album. Help us out and be apart of the team.Guy's share your opinions thank you ! Set the captives free.. *GerWulf* i a man, Started in 2018 playing guitar with fishing wire on it, and never played any else again, now sometime i play with my pets that is and other topic. *MoeJoe's Band* Moe (me) & Joe (Joe) (Seeking Veracity)we dicided to start in 2015, So one day Joe asked me if i wanted to play bass with him, so he lend me one till one day i built my self one. So thank you Joe for giving the love of playing music (From brain to sound of Frequency) Create/Compose/Improvise All original stuff, for the pleasure of our ears. no cover no copying others artists For this video, i give my thank you to you guys the viewers and: - my self for boost ego's moral. - my Mother Earth for giving a nice day. - my Wife for Love & Passion. - my Kids for Support & giving a reason not to quit. - my Actor's in the clip. - my band called: (MoeJoe's and friends) - my Mother & Father for living. and showing me how to eat, so i would not die All are songs a free to use. Donation appriciated (1st goal New Guitar and some sound effects) email: or Facebook: Patrick Gerwulf if you like are music share with friends Thank you ! / Merci ! May a exellent day be up on you's

Programa de Humanidades


Me dedico a la profunda reflexión e introspección humana. Mi propósito es dar a conocer tendencias de pensamiento populares, pero sobre todo, nuevas alternativas para ser y estar en el mundo. Maneras que facilitan la plenitud del ser humano, cuyos atributos cósmicos son ignorados por el Sistema que organiza la vida en la Tierra. La dinámica de la espiritualidad creativa de aplicación práctica, sirve para llegar más lejos que la filosofía, más adentro que el intelectual que olvida el alma y, también, más allá de los resultados del coach de crecimiento personal que promueve recetas difíciles de acomodarse en lo cotidiano. Ojalá sea capaz de inspirar. Propongo la vibración de la energía, la expansión de consciencia del mundo saludable y pacífico que sólo es posible desde la cooperación y los principios humanistas. Además de estimular, debo provocar desafíos. NOTA: Las ideas expuestas y todas las opiniones, no representan a ninguna ideología o institución o forma de gobierno.

Enjoy Ur Time


The Rumble channel "Enjoy Ur Time" is dedicated to providing viewers with a wide range of entertaining and humorous videos. The channel's content is designed to bring laughter and joy to its audience, featuring funny and light-hearted videos that aim to entertain and put a smile on people's faces. Whether it's funny animal clips, hilarious pranks, or amusing viral videos, "Enjoy Ur Time" aims to be a go-to destination for those looking for a good laugh and a break from the everyday routine.

The place to enjoy comics


Welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Dorian, and I’m thrilled to have you here. My journey into the captivating world of comics began when I was just a kid of 8 or 9. I remember being completely entranced by the colorful pages and thrilling adventures, even if I couldn’t decipher every word. (Who am I kidding, some of those words still give me trouble!) However, life had its own plans, and during my time in the military, my parents faced hardships that led to the loss of our home, along with my beloved comic book collection. It was a heart-wrenching moment, and for a while, I drifted away from the world of comics, putting them aside for almost a decade. This YouTube channel is my new collection, my way of connecting with fellow comic enthusiasts like yourself. Here, I aim to share my love for comics, from discussing the latest issues to revisiting classic storylines, and everything in between. It’s a space where we can geek out together, and share our thoughts of comics.