3 FollowersWhat If...
3 FollowersWhat if movies were mashed up sharing the same universe? What if a PG movie was Rated R? I am on youtube as well. Like and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/@Nibot2023/videos
3 FollowersThe Division 2 & COD MW2
3 FollowersWelcome to Cloud9Gaming Subscribe for The Division 2 videos with some of the Best and Creative builds in the game, shorts, Montages and Live Gameplay, pvp and pve. Conflict and Dark Zone, TU16 Season 10☁️, The Division Heartland coming soon. Also stay tune for COD MW2 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 shorts, Montages and Gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/cloud9gaming
3 FollowersNasaExploreVision
3 FollowersMyRevisionKit
3 FollowersTom Clancy's The Division
3 FollowersAgent Paladin patrols NYC with friends. Other games videos found at Atarithepaladin.
2 FollowersReichRevisionist
2 FollowersHistory is written by the Victors Eyes wide open at all times Investigate find the truth yourself Listen to others, even if you hate them. Have faith in yourself and fear nobody Its never to late Traditional values must return Let your mind and soul be free Europe must survive, we must unite Rid yourself of the fear to speak out
i may open cards. i may game. i may sleep on stream. decisions will be made!
2 Followersvariety. but I'm a dad. chill. #tcg #lorcana #gaming #rust #valorant #phasmophobia #fortnite bedtime after a coffee by ikkunn (Barradeen) | https://soundcloud.com/ikkunwastaken/ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ When I Was A Boy by Tokyo Music Walker | https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060 Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Purple Dream by Ghostrifter bit.ly/ghostrifter-yt Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0 Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Downtown Glow by Ghostrifter & Devyzed Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0 Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Magical Moments by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
2 FollowersWadiVision
2 FollowersWomens Division
2 FollowersThe Official Page For ALL LGBTQ, COSPLAY, AND EXOTIC WOMEN From All Over The World.
The HO Scale UPRR Evanston Subdivision
2 FollowersVideos featuring the world class HO scale Union Pacific Railroad Evanston Subdivision
Delta Pines Subdivision
2 FollowersHello! I have created this channel is to demonstrate my version and techniques of model railroading with the progress of my own personal HO scale layout called the Delta Pines Subdivision and my son's N scale modular layout by sharing with you some how to videos of scenery and upgrading my locomotives and rolling stock with DCC & sound while including some rail fanning videos which are great for reference. I hope this channel gives you inspiration as your beginning/continuing your own layout or even if your getting interested in the "Worlds Greatest Hobby"! If you are interested in hiring my services of doing decoder installations and/or layout design, feel free to check out my website. https://trainfreakhobbies.com
2 FollowersJourney Beyond Imagination: Exploring The Marvels Of Sci-Fi Realities.
Revisionismo Cultural
2 FollowersAún le espera lo peor: Tiene que pasar la puerta del espejo mágico, y allí tendrá que enfrentarse consigo mismo mirándose al espejo. - dijo Énguivuck. - ¿Y qué? Eso no debe ser muy difícil - responde Fújur. - ¡Qué error! Eso es lo que cree todo el mundo. Pero allí la gente amable descubre que es cruel, y los valientes que en realidad son cobardes. Ante el espejo mágico se ven tal como son, y la mayoría de los hombres huyen aterrados. - contesta el gnomo.
Crypto Decision
2 FollowersNews about crypto currencies. My free Telegram channel: https://t.me/cryptodecisionfree
2 FollowersWill post slide shows and footage of the Internal Stability Division (ISD), which was a unit of the old South African Police (SAP). This will cover the township violence in the period 1991 - 1994. I will also post Historical footage of the Republic of South Africa (pre-1995), police and military.
VAPE revision
2 FollowersПривет, вы на канале VAPE revision. Здесь я делаю обзоры, разбираю моды, исправляю баки, rba, перематываю испарители и многое другое. Мой Telegram канал, где оповещения, объявления и ссылки на товары: https://t.me/vaperevision For business: I have no managers or agents. To contact me for cooperation please use my e-mail vaperevision@gmail.com My box mods, mechanical mods and all types of rebuildable atomizers reviews are absolutely free. Prices for POD, AIO systems and disposables You can request by e-mail.
Pour Decisions
2 FollowersUnscripted, uneducated social series that reviews food, drinks, trends, and everything in between. The bander is real, the laughs are genuine, and the reviews are... well, sometimes accurate.
2 FollowersCoreVisionTV
2 FollowersDecision Website
1 FollowerThe Decision Website is a grassroots concept that can vastly improve our democracy by letting citizens take control of information. "The people" can then form national opinions, work together to elect representatives that follow our lead, and move towards Constitutional changes that give us a much stronger voice. - Citizen administered debate site. - Balanced debates, guaranteeing that all opinions get represented. - Structure that ensures vetted logical ideas. - The ability to move debates towards solutions. - Left, right, center... everyone and every ideology.
1 FollowerContent related to the art and science of decision making.
Cardinal George Pell Full Tribute by Tony Abbott
1 FollowerPell Funeral St Marys Cathedral
Decision with Intelligence
1 FollowerLehighRiverSubdivision
1 FollowerTheResistanceSouthWalesDivision
1 FollowerFuture Vision
1 FollowerHere you can see the Next World
Future Vision Tube
1 FollowerCertamente, ecco una descrizione per il tuo "Benvenuti su Future Vision Tube, il canale che offre un'esperienza di visione del futuro come nessun altro! Qui, ci immergeremo nelle profondità di varie nicchie, esplorando temi all'avanguardia e visioni che plasmeranno il nostro mondo di domani. Da tecnologia avanzata a sostenibilità ambientale, da viaggi spaziali a medicina innovativa, il nostro canale abbraccia una vasta gamma di interessi. Il nostro obiettivo è portarti approfondimenti approfonditi, interviste coinvolgenti, recensioni di tendenza e tanto altro. Siamo appassionati di esplorare le opportunità future e di condividere queste visioni con una community di pensatori curiosi. Non importa quale sia la tua nicchia di interesse, qui troverai contenuti che stimoleranno la tua mente e ti ispireranno. Unisciti a noi in questo emozionante viaggio verso il futuro e iscriviti al canale per non perdere i nostri ultimi video. Il futuro è in costante evoluzione, e su Future Vision Tube, siamo pronti a esplorarlo insieme a te."
1 FollowerThe only purpose behind this channel is to serve as the first step towards something greater. By merely adding another style & another perspective to what seems to the history as well as the real time events leading to an extremely catastrophic crescendo. Only I believe it doesn't have to be catastrophic. If we can erase the the dividing lines in the sand that have been drawn for us, only surviving by our capitulation too & respect of them, then we can stop screaming at one another & use the power of one voice to blow back the one adversary we ALL share. Please subscribe, comment & watch the direction I try to take this. However, I cannot do it alone. I need every one of you.... Much Love, John
1 FollowerFadiVision
1 FollowerKadi Vision
1 FollowerDecision Brown
1 FollowerHello. My name is Decision. I’m here to give you value
A True Perspective: A Compass When You Need It & Your First Step Toward Making Better Decisions
1 FollowerAt A True Perspective, Sceleta Caroline Downing, Objective Consultant, offers clear and accurate representations of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, illustrating the reality of your life and unveiling the underlying factors that influence your actions and reactions. Blending art and science, one-to-one consulting sessions begin by creating individualized blueprints of your inner world—your true perspective. These blueprints identify key aspects of yourself that typically occur outside your conscious awareness, illustrating how you operate at a fundamental level. With A True Perspective, you'll gain clarity and insight, laying the groundwork for making better decisions.
Make a hard decisions
1 FollowerStay strong every day and make a hard decisions