Estelionato em Foco
17 FollowersCanal é destinado a expor golpes e golpistas.
Canal é destinado a expor golpes e golpistas.
Real Patients, Real Answers.
Voz da Verdade é uma banda brasileira de música cristã contemporânea. Seu primeiro álbum “Quem é o caminho?”, foi lançado em 1978. Desde então, já lançou 35 álbuns. É uma das bandas religiosas com maior tempo em atividade no Brasil, tendo mais de quarenta anos de carreira. Em 2006, recebeu o título de banda Top do Século. Entre suas canções estão: “O Escudo”, “Sou um milagre”, “Além do Rio Azul”, “Pra Quê?”... E tantas outras que marcam a vida de muitos. A banda Voz da Verdade pertence ao Ministério Voz da Verdade, sediado em Santo André/SP (e com congregações espalhadas pelo país).
My Music Demos
Demos from the Demoscene Modern meets Retro everyone can watch it now on 4k TV or Beamer and enjoy it. Demos from every platform.... soon ™ We record the demo until a part is done, waiting for great music or start from beginning. We want to respekt the work people invest into the demos, so you can read whole text, listen the whole sound and see the whole demo. For the rest we made chapters to skip :) What is written is the opinion of the authors and does not reflect our opinion, harsh words are often used in the old demos, those were completely different times. Before you want to trash your old gaming stuff contact me Now enjoy the music, effects, grapihcs and all The collection is presented as a preservation project under the same rules as of the original HVSC Collection's copyright notice
Hey Folks! Hop on board for another fun pinball adventure with your pal EM-PINMAN! In general I cover electromechanical and some early solid state pinball from 1979 and before, repairing these pinball machines in my Lone Star Arcade. Please make sure you subscribe, like, and hit the bell icon for future upcoming videos to help support this channel! If you really like a certain video please "Share" it as well! Also, a Big Thank You to my current subscribers for your support!
A review of my favorite albums past and present , new music reviews and general conversation about the effect of music on my life
Repository for New Wine App demos
Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais interessante para quem você fez.Bom apetite
Making fun of leftist liberals.
These demo's will be subject to change for the better, anything we need to add or remove in this demo ?,help us out, with the tracks on full album. Help us out and be apart of the team.Guy's share your opinions thank you ! Set the captives free.. *GerWulf* i a man, Started in 2018 playing guitar with fishing wire on it, and never played any else again, now sometime i play with my pets that is and other topic. *MoeJoe's Band* Moe (me) & Joe (Joe) (Seeking Veracity)we dicided to start in 2015, So one day Joe asked me if i wanted to play bass with him, so he lend me one till one day i built my self one. So thank you Joe for giving the love of playing music (From brain to sound of Frequency) Create/Compose/Improvise All original stuff, for the pleasure of our ears. no cover no copying others artists For this video, i give my thank you to you guys the viewers and: - my self for boost ego's moral. - my Mother Earth for giving a nice day. - my Wife for Love & Passion. - my Kids for Support & giving a reason not to quit. - my Actor's in the clip. - my band called: (MoeJoe's and friends) - my Mother & Father for living. and showing me how to eat, so i would not die All are songs a free to use. Donation appriciated (1st goal New Guitar and some sound effects) email: or Facebook: Patrick Gerwulf if you like are music share with friends Thank you ! / Merci ! May a exellent day be up on you's
Venha nos conhecer: Rua Benedito Fernandes, 102 - Santo Amaro - São Paulo / SP
viewing a demo game on PlayStation 5/4,PC,Xbox
Neste grupo são discutidos assuntos sobre o tema magia em todas suas aplicações, pelo menos na Magia de Guerra, Magia do Amor, Magia do Ego, Magia da Prosperidade, Magia Mental, Magia Sexual, Magia da Morte (e Cura), assim como a Magia Pura.
Canal dedicado ao mundo de investimentos em criptomoedas e afins.
The Official Video Blog/Podcast Channel of *American Moosetacles*, where you either got 'em or ya' don't. Do you listen to or watch the "heavy hitters" of conservative media & find yourself wondering why they keep connecting the same few dots while somehow missing one that is obvious to you & that would complete the picture? Yeah, me too. Since these shows were prerecorded or I don't have a couple of hours to sit on hold. Instead, I decided that I could add to the conservation better with my own "show", where the dots connected are my own. Welcome to *American Moosetacles*.
Bem-vindo ao Geopolítica em Português! Aquilo que não sabes sobre o Mundo, o Geopolítica em Português vai tentar explicar.
Louvores, Testemunhos e Pregações
The motivation of this channel, it's the inspiration, at first it was just an escape from my problems and my inner demons, but now it's trying as much as I can to make my dream come true, and trying to make that awaken something in you that so much love !!
Sharing the stories of extraordinary people and dissecting hot topics.
Noticias, situaciones y hechos que no vera en Televisión ni en medios masivos
Conheça mais sobre a história da província de Québec, a vida como estrangeiro em uma das mais belas (e frias) cidades do Canadá, e um pouco de turismo no Canadá. Não deixe de se inscrever. Todo mês, vídeos novos feitos com base em muita pesquisa!
This Is Going To Be A Channel About Upcoming Games That Have Demos So You Can See The Game Before Buying
Bem-vindo ao Filme em Pauta, um canal feito para te ajudar a entender melhor os filmes e economizar seu tempo com aqueles longos ou até mesmo chatos. Não se esqueça de se inscrever, porque postamos vídeos diariamente! - Fique por aqui para mais diversão!
Various technical demos and walk-through's, mostly related to products and services I work with
Afiliado Vendedor Shopee Agora Parceiro Magalu Quadros Decorativos de Qualidade
From Viral Clips to Movie Clips. We Got it All.
Canal de artes marciais do Sensei Rua em Português.
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