Emmanuelli Consulting

1 Follower

Emmanuelli Consulting is led by Margarita Emmanuelli, a Navy veteran and former law enforcement officer with over 20 years of experience spanning government contracting, corporate security, military health, and entrepreneurial ventures, Margarita has cultivated a multifaceted career dedicated to excellence and innovation. As an entrepreneur, she has pioneered successful businesses in skincare, natural perfumery, surface design, and online instruction, demonstrating a versatile and creative approach to modern business challenges.

Leadership Success Coaching

1 Follower

311 was aptly named after Ecclessiastes 3:11 He makes everything beautiful in it's time. We have been mandated to lead others into the fullness that Jesus walked in on the earth because He put His spirit in us and gave us a new name and a new life. We are His hands and feet, not just at home or at church but EVERYWHERE! It is my passion to teach people how to rely on Jesus for every move they make in the marketplace. He desires that we prosper as our soul prospers so we can release, from our overflow, the blessings of heaven financially, spiritually, relationally, and physically to others in need. We carry it all and it's time we learned how to use it! As a Success Coach I will teach you how to move from adversity to growth in the marketplace leaning on the truth of the gospel.

Consult Lee

1 Follower

Offering you guidance and a connection to financing, investors, buyers, customers, and well-being as you operate within the marketplace. Shannon Boddie, MBA is a Small Business Advisor (Consultant) The community that Shannon has formed for the past 10 years of entrepreneurs, professionals, and investors exist within this platform and beyond it. This group provides guidance and opportunity towards - Acquiring Investors - Attracting Buyers of your Business and Products - Profit - Sales - Career Advancement - Harmony within the workplace (operations) All content and guidance (public post and individual interactions) from the Consultant (Shannon Boddie, MBA) is provided on a GRATUITY BASIS Pay, TIP, Contribute “what you can, when you can”. o ZELLE: consultlee.me@gmail.com o CASH APP: https://cash.app/$consultlee o VENMO: https://venmo.com/u/consultlee o PAY PAL: https://www.paypal.me/consultlee

Rufil Russia Consulting

1 Follower

https://rufil-consulting.com/ Welcome to our official channel! Rufil Russia Consulting is an international One-Stop-Service Agency in Moscow! We are specialized in legal services, tax consulting and business advisory. We help you establish & run successfully your company and business in Russia! Lawyers, tax advisors, chief accountants, auditors and business consultants from Russia and Germany work in our Moscow office. Our working languages are English, German and Russian. Our vision: “We support international business in Russia and create better quality of life for our customers, employees and investors!” Wondering how to get in touch with us? Website: https://rufil-consulting.com/ E-mail: info@rufil-consulting.com Telephone: +7 495 118 38 65 Join our Telegram group: https://t.me/rufilconsulting Adress: Ul. Bolshaya Dmitrovka 23/1 125009, Moscow, Russia