Faceless Man of Common Sense
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I discuss a wide range of topics related to social media, news, politics, and life.
Short videos exposing facts that expose the narratives.
This Channel is to speak on the issues of the world, with COMMON SENSE
In this educational program lawyer Phil Cornish provides insight and explanation of important issues and current events based on evidence and truth that is most effecting society today.
Traditional Conservative Values... Yes - I said "Values"! Discussions about a world that is lacking common sense.
Kiel Wisconsin media for the Common Sense of Kiel Social Group.
Freedom for your mind. Brought to you by a member of the 2022 Freedom Convoy.
Two guys Two microphones and no filter
CommonSenseAcrat is a new channel speaking Common Sense about everything from the political world to just the mundane things in life that no one talks about!
This is channel about politics and finance.
Revealing politicians lies with their own actions and words
Fishing and the great outdoors and everything in between!!
Enjoy an ad-free viewing experience and other benefits