Federico Boccanera


Federico Boccanera y Aura Palermo son dos investigadores libres e independientes que se dedican a la investigación y estudio del poder y sus ecosistemas. Los niveles visibles siempre son niveles intermedios. Por ejemplo, el poder político. \n\nEste canal está dedicado a la divulgación de conocimiento y conciencia acerca del Poder, sus sistemas, estructuras, sus actores siempre temporales, y sus agendas de dominación: la agenda globalista y la agenda del comunismo versátil, dirigida por China.\n\nEn este canal encontrarán información orientadora sobre todos los temas necesarios para entender como obra el poder a toda escala, individual y social, material y espiritual. Incluso temas de actualidad, pero siempre enfocados hacia el objetivo de crear conocimiento y conciencia sobre situaciones que solo son expresiones locales de un gran laboratorio global.

The Uncomfortable Truth with Cane & Mitch


Crimson Bros Network is a YouTube channel that features entertaining and informative content on a wide range of topics. The channel is run by a group of talented and passionate individuals who produce high-quality videos on subjects such as finance, culture, politics, lifestyle, and more. With a focus on providing engaging and well-researched content, the channel has gained a significant following and has become a go-to source of information for many viewers. Whether you're looking for reactions to current events or simply want to learn something new, Crimson Bros Network has something for everyone.

Angie's DIY Art, Crafts, Home Decor Fails & Successes


I\'ve taken some of the worst times of my life and created some of the best items that I could have the ability to create. My life was torn down in 2013 when I couldn\'t find a position in the healthcare field. I was highly paid, but the roll-out of certain legislation forced the businesses that I worked with had to settle for lower-paying workers. Other events like riots in my neighborhood have forced me indoors and depressed. To fight circumstances, I had to fight back by creating. I can\'t sit still and simmer in depression, I HAD to CREATE! \n\nThis channel will show you my successes, and failures during my journey. I am strong, I am confident, I am making gains every single day and invite you to come one my journey. Let\'s get through this together. \n\n#DIY, Crafting, crafts, diy home decor, positive energy, uplifting, encouraging, depression, mental illness, created for a purpose, laughter, love, victory over depression, life changing mentality, you are beautiful, you are wonderful

Turbo Angler Fishing


I have been Spoonplugging aka " Structure Fishing" for over 5 years. I have been reading and studying Buck Perry's "Guide to Structure Fishing and Lunker Catches". Before learning about the True facts of fishing. I wandered about the lake hoping to catch A fish just like everyone else. Join me on my journey as I learn how to consistently catch fish in lakes and reservoirs, in New Mexico and Texas, using knowledge learned from Bucks "Green Book". You will learn tips and tricks along the way that will help you consistently catch fish in your lake. Knowledge is the Key to Fishing Success! Remember: You can't catch a fish if your fishing where he ain't! Check out my new line of Hop-R Jigs! https://www.turboanglerfishing.com