I pretty much build ikea furniture for a living..

1 Follower

Things I get asked a lot: Q: Are you actually French? A: Yes Q: What camera, video gear, etc... A: Check Out My Amazon store it has everything in my setup: https://www.amazon.com/shop/frenchiefries *Do not email me asking for money, I give away money cause I like to 👍 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeFrenchieFries Instagram: https://instagram.com/LeFrenchieFries TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lefrenchiefries Snapchat: @LeFrenchieFries


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Welcome to Matty Unhinged, this is the channel where I post almost anything that I feel would be an entertaining video. Sometimes, I'll post gaming videos, and other times I'll post travel or financial tip videos. I'm Matty and I am COMPLETELY unhinged - welcome to my confidential and fun corner of the internet, where we'll be going on an array of adventures together. Taking YouTube's Uploading Genres to the next level. Let's do relevant and irrelevant things on this channel, and have some fun. Grab some popcorn, and welcome to 'Matty Unhinged'! Want to talk business/sponsorships? Email me at: matthew@mattbatfilms.com © MattBatFilms™ LLC

Unhinged Magi

1 Follower

Welcome to Unhinged Magi! Where two Arcane and Unhinged Mages play games and discuss current events in gaming! Unlike their previous channels (Open Boosters) and (Edwin the Magic Engineer) Dan and Ed will be doing more current events and making more regular and consistent uploads for a wide variety of gaming, technology, and current events. Open Boosters is a very popular YouTube channel where Dan opens up the original sealed packs of the very first Collectible Card Game, Magic the Gathering. Edwin the Magic Engineer is a channel dedicated to discussing deck techs, investment in both Magic and Stocks, and even some technology. This channel was created so we can have more freedom to discuss topics we both enjoy without changing the purpose of our original channels and also because we enjoy making videos together.