The Danny Baty Band


Sometimes, a band comes along and does "their thing" a little bit outside the box. A little bit different from the norm or the standard. Sometimes it's a song, or a sound, or even a fresher take at writing. Sometimes all of that comes together at once: Introducing The Danny Baty Band Simple songs with simple truths , The voice of Americas heartland! SINCE 1989 Danny Baty has traveled all over and wrote over 1,500 songs. A well known band throughout Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri and the southern Honky Tonk scene. The Danny Baty Band was voted the number 1 country/ southern rock band in Arkansas in 2007 by peoples choice! Opening for several major acts and stealing the show sorta speak.. Live performances that even Garth Brooks would be proud of! Catch this band live or ask for them in your town and buy their music to show your support You'll not regret it! The Danny Baty Band has been heating up stages all over Northeast Arkansas and beyond since 1989 and are currently beginning to get some well d

Come Smokes Relax & Enjoy. MoeJoe's Band (Demo's)


These demo's will be subject to change for the better, anything we need to add or remove in this demo ?,help us out, with the tracks on full album. Help us out and be apart of the team.Guy's share your opinions thank you ! Set the captives free.. *GerWulf* i a man, Started in 2018 playing guitar with fishing wire on it, and never played any else again, now sometime i play with my pets that is and other topic. *MoeJoe's Band* Moe (me) & Joe (Joe) (Seeking Veracity)we dicided to start in 2015, So one day Joe asked me if i wanted to play bass with him, so he lend me one till one day i built my self one. So thank you Joe for giving the love of playing music (From brain to sound of Frequency) Create/Compose/Improvise All original stuff, for the pleasure of our ears. no cover no copying others artists For this video, i give my thank you to you guys the viewers and: - my self for boost ego's moral. - my Mother Earth for giving a nice day. - my Wife for Love & Passion. - my Kids for Support & giving a reason not to quit. - my Actor's in the clip. - my band called: (MoeJoe's and friends) - my Mother & Father for living. and showing me how to eat, so i would not die All are songs a free to use. Donation appriciated (1st goal New Guitar and some sound effects) email: or Facebook: Patrick Gerwulf if you like are music share with friends Thank you ! / Merci ! May a exellent day be up on you's