From Babylon to Eden


The purpose of this channel is primarily to help us cooperate in learning and implementing God's natural law and help us navigate the 'Babylonian' legal system in an effort to exit Babylon. And to help followers of Christ to move to an alternate, divergent societal system that will help us move back toward 'Eden' in community self-sufficiency. We will also cover other topics that may or may not directly have anything to do with the primary objective, as we also wish to build a network of believers who can learn to work together to form the alternate and divergent system mentioned in preparation for Babylon's fall according to Revelation 18.

Susan and Kassandra


Kassandra, speaking through Susan Ashley, is a spiritual representative of the universal feminine. She is part of the white and blue councils and speaks on behalf of them as a consciousness. She does not call herself a master, as to do so would insinuate hierarchy, which is not in alignment with her message that we are all equally co-creating. Spreading a message of hope and love for the planet, Kassandra empowers us to remember who we are, why we are here and what we personally can do to co-create a planet of peace and love through clear intentions and right action. So far her message has been through personal readings and groups in Australia, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia and Netherlands. However, now she is keen to widen the word through the use of technology. Despite having independent successful careers, Susan (Psychotherapist) and her husband Jani (Lawyer) have agreed to open their lives to the service of this message. This was our old youtube channel to which we have no longer access: