High Road Hunting with Keith Warren


The official Rumble Channel of Keith Warren. Keith Warren is an icon in the outdoor industry and a devoted conservationist. He has been producing and hosting television shows specifically geared to outdoorsmen for three decades and has been featured on numerous networks including Outdoor Channel, ESPN, ESPN 2, Sportsman Channel, and Pursuit Channel. Keith currently hosts The High Road with Keith Warren and Deer & Wildlife Stories with Keith Warren, nationally broadcast on the Pursuit Channel: DirecTV 604, Dish Network 393.

Trails and Road rides and Cross Training Adventures


Along with my family, the outdoors have been my inspiration and playground all through my life. I have built my life around being active and enjoying the varying aspects of outdoor sports. As I get older, the passion is still there as strong as ever but there is a new developing desire to share my passion with others so that they to can find success in the outdoors. Giving back to the community is something that drives me and as a story teller, I look forward to learning how to tell my story in this digital age.



A Black Conservative, and an Ornery Cowboy team up to help save America. Road.FM “Voices of Freedom” the Republic Organized Against Destruction. A politically incorrect Conservative Broadcast with a twist of comical candor. #RoadFM 🚨Want to hear our Full Episodes? Subscribe on your Favorite Apps today! ▶ https://www.Road.FM/members **FAIR USE** Copyright Disclaimer. All material used is under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Additional coverages are allowed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The Inn of Planar Crossroads


Greetings and Salutations, Travelers. The Inn of Planar Crossroads creates content revolving around the Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TTRPG) hobby community, and is run by Adam; a father, preacher, wellness professional, farmer, rancher, and all-round Lawful Good guy. Back in 2017, after making videos for one of (if not the) largest independent TTRPG YouTube channels of the time, began releasing videos of his gaming sessions with friends, thus The Inn of Planar Crossroads was born. Before too long it branched out into other things like podcast style chats, then Lore videos, and gradually became the multimedia content producer it is today. The journey was slow, but Adam always maintained that it was perseverance that would lead to true success. We hope that you will come travel the multiverse with us. And, as always have a great day, God bless, and enjoy.