Alecus By Andrew
85 FollowersWe're here to bring you the compelling documentary style videos made to entertain and inform on Entrepreneurs, Conspiracy Theories, Politics, Crime and much much more! So make sure you're subscribed to this channel and hit the notification bell so you never ever miss out on any of our awesome videos!
The Alternate Corner
79 FollowersCovers trials, true crime and murder cases.
79 Followersconectateconjohn
78 FollowersXxXAztecwarrior
76 Followersgentlemanpirateclub
75 Followersaleciao
75 FollowersRational Male Clips videos
72 FollowersThe Rational Male is the official YouTube channel of Rollo Tomassi, author of The Rational Male series of books and blogs. Often called the Godfather of the Manosphere, Rollo has been the most influential thought leader of the Red Pill for over 20 years. Rollo discusses issues of intersexual dynamics, and relationships, topics from the books, unplugging from 'The Matrix', and Red Pill awareness.
Stand-up Comedy
70 FollowersComedy
66 FollowersWelcome to my channel, I predominantly produce tech videos and "how to" videos with tips and tricks. I'm happy to announce my channel partners: @AmericanAudioCo @Monoprice https://www.monoprice.UK I do my best to answer all questions/comments and I’m always happy to help viewers. If you’ve liked the content I create please subscribe to the channel and share my videos on your social media platforms. My official Twitter account: @MATechYoutube Instagram: MATechYoutube If you'd like to help the channel grow or show your appreciation: Patreon : Buy me a coffee ☕️
Gem State Chronicle
64 FollowersNews and analysis that empowers you to make positive change in Idaho
Alpha male Side Channel
61 FollowersIf you not liking, then you are disappointing Top G. Escape the matrix now and click the link in bio to join the Real world.
Weather Manipulation Or Climate Change
60 FollowersGeoengineering, which is a large-scale intervention in the earth's oceans, soils and atmosphere with the aim of reducing the effects of climate change, is a HUGE HOAX. The truth about weather manipulation has been hidden from the world, but now the truth is finally being revealed. We know now that the deep state use weapons to causing horrific consequences - earthquakes, wild fires, blizzards, hail, volcanos, tsunamis, floods, mud slides, tornados, hurricanes, drought, etc. They also use chemtrails (seeding the clouds) supposedly to block out the sun (climate change is a hoax), which we need to survive, spraying toxic chemicals in our air, poisoning people, animals (where' PETA?) agriculture, and nature. They have even attempted melting polar ice caps. In the past, the military weaponized the weather for warfare, are using radar beam anamolies, intensifying storms, and using sound waves. Blackguard and Vanguard loves catostopic weather manipulation and uses the deep state government claim land via emminent domain. The deep state will not achieve their agenda. Thw MSM will no longer use predictive programming against us. They will continue ramping up weather warfare until they are indicted and/or executed. They will also continue the war on our food, internet control mechanisms, account lockouts, blackouts, etc. This war is in its final stage and the White Hats are gaining control of their weather weapons. God wins; they lose.
Tate Crew
57 FollowersAndrew Tate content to fuel your Mind.
56 FollowersMotivateCentral
55 FollowersWelcome to MotivateCentral! Dive into a world of nightly inspiration, where each video ignites your passion and fuels your dreams. Join us for uplifting stories, powerful quotes, and actionable tips to transform your evenings into a time of motivation and personal growth. Let's achieve greatness together!
Climate Cult / GeoEngineering / Chemtrails
52 FollowersClimate Cult / GeoEngineering / Chemtrails
Calculus Lectures
47 FollowersFull-Length video lectures on Mathematics, Statistics, Student Success, Learning and Teaching excellence, and many more
46 FollowersFateCreated
45 FollowersRandom Stuff
42 FollowersRandom videos by Mizukarate AKA Chris Karate
42 FollowersTeslaTech
41 Followerswestgatechapel
41 FollowersRenatoCarraro
41 FollowersBiserica Sfânta Treime, LA * Paroh: Pr. Protopop Constantin Alecse
39 FollowersEducatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: EDUCATIA RELIGIOASA ȘI RĂSPUNSURI LA PROVOCĂRILE CONTEMPORANE Biserica Ortodoxă Română Americană Sfânta Treime din Los Angeles, în încercarea sa de a-și ajuta credincioșii săi, și alți Internauți interesați, ortodocși și neortodocși laolaltă, să cunoască și să aprofundeze mai mult cunoștințele lor despre credința ortodoxă si practicile sale liturgice, și a se implica, prin dialog sincer, la cautarea unor răspunsuri la întrebările privind provocările și problemele contemporane ale societății de astăzi, aproape „post-creștină”, a creat două (2) Canale, pe platforma RUMBLE, după cum urmeaza: 1). Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: 2). Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: *** 1A). In primul Canal [Educatia Religioasa] sunt abordate subieste legate de cunoasterea credinței ortodoxe prin prezentarea de interviuri și predici ale unor ierarhi ortodocși, preoților, călugărilor și diverșilor teologi, din întreaga lume, pe chestiuni și subiecte interesante, pe teme variate legate de biserică: Istoria și Învățăturile bisericilor, ]n special creștin-ortodoxe, educația religioasă, predicile, studiul biblic, școlile duminicale și retrageri spirituale, etc. 2A). In cel de al doilea Canal [Provocări Contemporate], sunt abordate, între altele, următoarele tematici: • Problemele religioase contemporane legate de religie includ secularizarea societății, ascensiunea fundamentalismului religios, relația religiei cu globalizarea și modernizarea economică, conflictele acesteia cu știința și relația sa în schimbare cu arta. • Probleme morale contemporane legate de lipsa de pace și armonie, scăderea încrederii intre oameni, creșterea criminalității și a comportamentului lipsit de etică, crimă, furt, viol, minciună și încălcarea promisiunilor, avort, eutanasie, pedeapsa capitală, moralitate sexuală, inginerie genetică, economie inegalitatea, încălzirea globală, bunăstarea și justiția socială și anihilarea unei coeziuni sociale. • Probleme etice contemporane: autonomie, binefacere, si dreptate sociala. Fiecare persoană are dreptul de a lua propriile decizii pe baza propriilor convingeri și valori. Problemele abordate mai sus, și multe altele, desigur că influențează identitatea individuală și autoritatea religioasă a Religiilor lumii; persoanele private și instotițiile civice, în ceeace privește funcționarea societății contemporane; căsătoria și familia; utilizarea timpului, a banilor și a altor resurse personale; calitatea și valoarea vieții; interpretarea binelui și răului în viețuirea colectivă; egalitate și diferență; conflict și violență, probleme globale, etc... *** Limba Română: Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: Biserica Sf. Treime pe FaceBook: Limba Engleză: Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Challenges and Issues - Holy Trinity Church on FaceBook - Disclaimer: Canalele menționate mai sus aparțin Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Americane Sfânta Treime (, o parohie sub „Mitropolia Ortodoxă Română a celor 2 Americi” ( Dacă aveți întrebări și/sau sugestii, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul acestei platforme, părintele Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:] !!! Abonați-vă la aceste canale pentru a primi actualizări viitoare și postări noi. Binecuvantari frățești, Părintele Constantin Alecse
Mental Game Mastery
39 FollowersWelcome to Coach P's channel! I'm excited that you found me! My channel is designed for those who want to get better not just in sports and business, but in life. Be sure to subscribe. It helps with me to continue to create content that helps #athletes achieve their #athletic #goals In each video, Coach P breaks down the different aspects of mental toughness into simple strategies. From the locker room to the boardroom, Coach P helps elite athletes and business professionals build the mental skills they need to perform their best when it means the most. Want Coach P's Insights sent to your inbox? Subscribe here I promise I don't spam. I am a real person who helps real people achieve results. I will only send out insights if I feel that it will benefit you to perform your best! #mentalgame #sportspsychology #sportspodcast #athletemindset #peakperformance
Cathechism for Catholic Fathers
36 FollowersA Channel for Catholic Husbands and Fathers
Total Eclipse 2024
36 FollowersA channel dedicated to celebrating the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
36 Followerson this channel we post clips of Andrew Tate
Katoch Tubes
35 FollowersDaily crypto updates at your fingertips. Free access to the crypto articles on my website. Disclaimer: Not Financial or Investment advice. Like & Subscribe! For business inquiries contact:
35 FollowersFemaleCatfight
35 FollowersManiacosDaTecnologia
33 FollowersDeveloped to facilitate the understanding of topics related to technology in general, everything about systems, software, hardware, programs, applications, emulators and many other topics. We have been working in this field for over 8 years, solving computer-related problems, creating new technologies to facilitate user use and understanding, we have the entire structure to create great articles and tutorial videos to help all users.
33 FollowersQuestions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers:
31 FollowersToday’s Society Contemporary Challenges and Issues Webpage: Main Themes: Contemporary religious issues related to religion include the secularisation of society, the rise of religious fundamentalism, religion's relationship to globalisation and economic modernisation, its conflicts with science, and its changing relationship with art. Contemporary moral issues related to the lack of peace and harmony, decrease in trust, an increase in crime and unethical behavior, murder, theft, rape, lying, and breaking promises, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, sexual morality, genetic engineering, economic inequality, global warming, welfare and social justice and a breakdown of social cohesion. Contemporary Ethical issues: autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. Each person has the right to make its own decisions based on its own beliefs and values. The issues addressed above, and much more are influencing religious identity and authority; the personal and the private; marriage and family; influences on and use of time, money and other personal resources; the quality and value of life; questions of right and wrong; equality and difference; conflict and violence and global issues. Subscribe to this platform, and we will keep you updated with new posts. If you have questions and/or suggestions, please contact the administrator of this platform, Father Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:]
Arkatech Beatz Music Business Channel
30 FollowersArkatech Beatz are a Grammy nominated music production team from New York City, now based in Atlanta. They were affiliated with Loud Records/Sony Music Entertainment as A&R executives, and have composed, written, and produced music for gold and platinum selling artists such as Big Pun, Nas, Raekwon, Prodigy of Mobb Deep, Mýa, Waka Flocka Flame, Jadakiss of The Lox, and many others.