SB Pressure Washing


Welcome to "SB Pressure Washing", a unique channel where power meets purpose! My channel is dedicated to traveling around and pressure washing various surfaces for free, aiming to rejuvenate and refresh neighborhoods, one clean surface at a time. Each week, I embark on a new cleaning expedition, targeting driveways, sidewalks, walls, or any surface that's in dire need of a revamp. This channel is not just about removing dirt and grime; it's about transformation, community service, and the satisfying visuals of pressure washing. Help support my work by picking up some merch -

Sargento Fahur Oficial


Sou o Gilson Cardoso Fahur, Natural de Londrina - PR, por 35 anos atuei como policial militar rodoviário. Fui integrante da ROTAM da 4ª Companhia da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual do Paraná, na cidade de Maringá. Me tornei nacionalmente conhecido pelo sucesso nas operações que liderei e também pela linha dura em minhas atuações como policial militar rodoviário, realizei grandes apreensões de entorpecentes que ganharam o noticiário local e nacional. Também me tornei notório pelas declarações enérgicas contra criminosos em entrevistas a reportagens jornalísticas que viralizaram pelas redes sociais, particularmente aquelas contra o narcotráfico. Eu Sargento Fahur sou contra a legalização das drogas, a favor da pena de morte e defendo o direito da população civil a ter posse e porte de armas. Força e Honra !

Creation's Purge


Complete Mental, Physical, and Metaphysical Awareness-As people become more and more aware of things that no physical science available now can answer, they search where ever they can for understanding. The religions and other control institutions offer nothing but the same old dogma, the perfect all-loving, all-forgiving god made hell to punish you forever if he wasn't happy. This is only the tip of the self-induced conflict in religions, calling yourselves sinners and worse. Nothing worth your praise would ever want, accept, or allow it. They would express your equality. Everyone has abilities and are now awakening them. The first step is understanding you've already been using them, in very small increments. People desire to understand all they can to fulfill their Spiritual needs; who they are and why they're here. Are you ready to understand? Isn't that why you're here? It starts with Vol. I of my Creation Series, there's more @ Available worldwide @ and many other places. J'Arae

UFO MatriX | The Disclosure Ages


Welcome to UFO Matrix | The Disclosure Ages! 🛸 Explore a realm of mystery and unexplained phenomena as we dive into the captivating world of UFOs with real sightings from all over the world! Here I am posting my collection of UFO videos that youtube rejected many times, flagged and tried to delete my channel completely 3 times without being able to upload new videos for fear that my channel will be closed and the hard work of years will disappear.