Hard Lens Media Verified


Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/HardLensMedia Hard Lens Media is a Chicago-based, independent media organization established in 2017, covering national and local news, grassroots organizations, and political issues. We focus on groups, events, and individuals that do not typically have access to media coverage, to create a more informed public. Starting with radio, Hard Lens Media provided coverage of local activists and events, as well as commentary on national and international news, via cable access television, community radio, podcasting, Facebook, and YouTube. Over the years, HLM eventually moved to full-time video streaming and now produces multiple shows on its YouTube, Rumble, Rokfin, Odysee, and Kick accounts http://spoti.fi/NCS In a majority of its Livestream Content. Please visit their Channel.



John 3:16-17 TRUTH THRU DOCUMENTATION Website: www.kmscreative.org/ Website: www.uncensoredmedia.tv Linktree: https://linktr.ee/kmscreative777 Disclaimer: KMSCREATIVE.ORG & UNCENSORED MEDIA are for entertainment and educational purposes only and ALL information and opinions expressed using multiple forms of video voice content, digital, audio, art & mobile, media are protected under U.S. Code 18 U.S.C. § 241. https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-18-crimes-and-criminal-procedure/18-usc-sect-241/ Fair Use Notice: The videos shared on UNCENSORED MEDIA contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. This not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding, I will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants me to link to their web site, or wants me to add their photo. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to FOLLOW & SHARE UNCENSORED MEDIA with your frens and loved ones! If you find value in my work, please consider downloading my book "the [LLL] project". https://www.kmscreative.org/lll https://www.kmscreative.org/about Thank you & GOD Bless You. 🕊️❤️🇺🇸

Free Speech Media


Freedom of expression is one of the most fundamental human rights. It is enshrined in many international and national laws and is considered a cornerstone of democracy. The right to express ourselves freely, without fear of censorship or persecution, is essential for the functioning of a free and open society. However, freedom of expression is not absolute. In some cases, it may be limited in order to protect the rights of others or to prevent harm. For example, incitement to violence is not protected form of expression. Similarly, governments may try to restrict speech in what the government says is in the “interest of national security or public health or safety”. Despite these limitations, it is important that we continue to defend and promote freedom of expression. This means standing up for the rights of journalists, activists, and other individuals who may be persecuted for speaking out. It also means recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and opinions, even if we do not agree with them. In a world where information is increasingly controlled and manipulated, the right to express ourselves freely is more important than ever. By upholding this fundamental human right, we can ensure that our societies remain open, democratic, and just.

geht`s los ? Verified


Der Kanal zeigt die Videos von 1871 Carsten und Stephan, Ergänzung zum Telegram Kanal https://t.me/SC360Media Disclaimer / Haftungsausschluss • Die von den lebenden Menschen dieser nun folgenden Sendung erbrachten Informationen, erheben nicht den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit bzw. sind diese gemischt mit satirischem Hintergrunde. • Die im Rahmen der Informationssendung „geht‘s los?“ geteilten Informationen sind NICHT ÖFFENTLICH und REIN PRIVAT. • Die Analysen stützen sich auf öffentlich zugängliche Informationen und Daten, die als zuverlässig gelten. Genannte Moderatoren und Sprecher haben die Informationen jedoch nicht auf ihre Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit geprüft, geben jene nur im Rahmen der journalistischen Pflicht und unter Anspruch auf supranational verbriefte Meinungs-Freiheit an Dritte ungeprüft und unverändert weiter. • Für Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Information übernehmen die lebenden Menschen (Moderatoren und Sprecher) der Sendung keine Haftung. • Etwaige unvollständige oder unrichtige Informationen begründen keine Haftung der lebenden Menschen für Schäden, gleich welcher Art. Die Moderatoren und Sprecher haften nicht für indirekte und/oder direkte Schäden und/oder Folgeschäden. • Obwohl die Informationen mit aller Sorgfalt zusammengestellt wurden und werden, können Fehler und/oder Unvollständigkeiten nicht ausgeschlossen werden. • Die Moderatoren, Sprecher und Angestellte/Mitarbeiter, übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit der Aussagen, Einschätzungen, Empfehlungen oder Schlüsse, die von Dritten aus den Informationen abgeleitet werden. • Die zu den dargestellten Informationen enthaltenen Meinungen können ohne Ankündigung geändert werden. • Jedwede Interaktion zwischen Moderatoren, Sprechern und Nutzern findet außerhalb der fiktionalen WELT, ausschließlich auf dem göttlichen Terrain des Naturrecht statt. • Alle Rechte gesichert und vorbehalten. • WITHOUT PREJUDICE.

Dynamic Streaming Media


Dynamic Streaming Media is a Conservative start-up that specializing in giving entertaining content as an alternative for those who wish to navigate away from the mainstream media. The views expressed by the content may not represent the organization as a whole. We are strong believers in the 1st amendment as we believe we are protected under constitutional law. Please be mindful that it is not our intention to use false or misleading information in a way. If any of our statements are viewed as slanderous or defamatory, we will review its contents to determine whether or not they should be removed from our platform.

Audit The Vote Verified


Welcome to Audit the Vote, where we are committed to ensuring that every American has access to a secure, transparent, and efficient election process. Our mission is to safeguard the integrity of our elections by closely monitoring voter registration data, mail-in ballot applications, and election results on a county-by-county basis. We advocate for stronger electoral policies, provide educational resources, and encourage civic engagement to ensure that every citizen can have full confidence in the fairness and transparency of our voting system. Through our work, we aim to protect the fundamental right to vote and maintain the highest standards of integrity in vote counting and reporting. Join us as we continue the fight for free and fair elections for all Americans. Subscribe to stay updated on our latest efforts and educational content, and learn how you can get involved in protecting the future of our Republic.

Long Island Audit


Exercising our First Amendment rights in a respectful manner. We will not allow our rights to be violated. We will follow up. We are striving for real transparency and accountability from our public officials. Law enforcement officers took a oath to the constitution. The majority of them take it very seriously. I've heard from many Correctional officers, Police etc. who support me and I support their service to this country. But for the few who don't take their oath seriously, know this, I will hold you accountable for your actions. I am not alone. I appreciate the support of so many of you, with your positive comments, donations and especially petitioning grievances to our public officials. This is so important because our public officials need to understand WE won't allow them to violate our rights. Not now, not ever. 1st Amendment Audits across the United States! If you would like to support, the links are below.