Mark.15:16 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.


Mk :16:17 And These Signs shall follow them that believe; In my Name shall they cast out devils; They shall speak with new tongues. The Apostolic & Prophetic meet as they both work hand in hand, bringing you The Gospel of The Kingdom. Where Prayer, the Preached Word, Prophecy, Healing & Deliverance takes place with many testifying to the Power of God, through operating in the Fivefold ministry ascension gifts reaching the lost for the Kingdom of God, In Yeshua's (Jesus) Name.

The Universal/invisible Creator is calling for SERVANTS, not Children, to preach the Good News, in these end times!


Every Religion has SOME Truth of the Almighty Creator [Buddhists, Islam, Judeans, Christians, Yogis, etc.], but the errors of each religion/denomination is what has believers divided [in Pride]. Every human is a descendant of Adam. Adam, Enoch, and many Spokesmen{Prophets} sought their very own DIRECT deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator [in the mind/internally] which is essentially the ONLY REASON humans exist!