Business Motivation That Doesn't Sucks.


CORE — the part of something that is central to its existence or character. Our main goal is to convey the "core", the "spirit" of opinion leaders from different spheres, to show their stories and the ways to success, because now all the attention is focused on them. We help you learn their ways of thinking, their principles of life, their views of situations, their statements. With our content, we want to inspire, motivate and change people, light a fire inside and mentally support those, who have stopped believing in anything, but have found the strength to step on the path of development. We find completely different areas inspiring whether it\'s sports, like football and MMA, or the stories of the creators of successful brands. Because behind every great success there is a person who started with nothing. If you end up enjoying our content — consider subscribing, it\'s free and you can always change your mind!

Impressico Digital - Website Design and Development


Impressico Digital is the leading web design and development company that offers the best UI/UX design services. For an excellent, stress-free and hassle-free website designing and development experience, Impressico Digital is the right place. We are a one-stop destination to meet all your business’ online marketing requirements. From website development services, UI UX design services to SEO, SMO and PPC, to developing excellent content for your website, we do it all!

Canal de Psicografias


Bem-vindo ao canal "Cartas de Chico" no Rumble! Aqui, mergulhe em um universo de sabedoria e inspiração trazido pelas cartas psicografadas por Chico Xavier. Em cada vídeo, desvendaremos as mensagens espirituais contidas nessas cartas, abordando temas como espiritualidade, mediunidade, reencarnação, carma e amor fraterno. Nossa missão é levar até você os ensinamentos da Doutrina Espírita, compartilhando as palavras reconfortantes e esclarecedoras desse médium tão iluminado. Com base nas obras de Allan Kardec e a orientação de espíritos amigos, exploraremos o significado profundo das cartas e como elas podem nos guiar em nossa jornada de autoconhecimento e desenvolvimento espiritual. Ao acompanhar o canal "Cartas de Chico", você terá a oportunidade de aprender sobre a comunicação com os espíritos e os códigos morais espíritas, buscando aprimorar sua reforma íntima e encontrar paz interior. Semearemos reflexões para que você encontre inspiração em sua própria vida e compreenda o propósito das experiências que vivenciamos. Junte-se a nós nessa viagem espiritual, mergulhando nas profundas lições deixadas por Chico Xavier. Através dessas cartas, encontre respostas, alento e esperança, e trilhe um caminho de luz e amor, em sintonia com o legado de um dos maiores médiuns que o mundo já conheceu. O "Cartas de Chico" é um espaço de aprendizado, crescimento espiritual e conexão com o plano espiritual. Seja bem-vindo e vamos juntos desvendar os ensinamentos que nos chegam do mundo além da matéria, buscando compreender a grandeza e a beleza da vida espiritual.

"Laugh, Love, and Let Loose: FunnyAnimal Compilation"


Welcome to 'FunnyAnimalssCompilation,' the ultimate destination for non-stop laughter and heartwarming moments with our furry, feathered, and scaly friends! Our channel is dedicated to bringing you the most hilarious and adorable animal antics from around the world. Prepare to be entertained as we curate the funniest, cutest, and most heartwarming animal videos on the internet. From mischievous kittens getting into all sorts of trouble to clever dogs pulling off amazing tricks, our channel is your daily dose of pure animal joy. Whether you're a passionate animal lover or just looking for a pick-me-up during a tough day, 'FunnyAnimal Compilation' is here to brighten your day and put a smile on your face. Join our community of animal enthusiasts, hit that subscribe button, and let the laughter begin! Don't forget to hit the notification bell, so you never miss a hilarious moment with our beloved animal companions. Thank you for choosing 'FunnyAnimal Compilation' as your go-to source for the best animal comedy and heartwarming moments on the internet. Get ready to laugh, aww, and share the love with our furry friends!