Inspire, Motivate, Have Faith, & Repent


As a Born again believer in Christ and God Almighty himself, I am dedicating this channel to God and his beloved son Jesus. Coming from an Atheist scientific background for the majority of life, working on various projects in the medical and Biochemical Diagnostic Industry, I have learned not to take things at face value, but constantly ask questions and verify the tiniest details of what the truth is. On this channel we explore the truth of Mankind's origins and the Universe through a Biblical perspective. Through the Word of God, I hope this channel will help rejuvenate and inspire you. With the help of engaging visual and Audio to not only question the reality you live in, but grow in your relationship with Christ. For he is; "The way, the Truth, and the Light, and the Only Way to our Heavenly Father". Please like & share. God Bless. * For Business, Partnerships, Charity work, and or other inquires please email. Thank You!

Walking Conundrum


Psychology teaches we aren’t able to reason & find truth unless we are able to get rid of biases & look at things from a neutral perspective. History teaches the best answers are found not in the extremes, but usually somewhere toward the center. My goal is to help people look at things objectively, how to look for facts & not only quickly act on emotions. To understand that we have tendencies to act on biases & that others will try to push their biases on us; to become more aware of that & look at things non-partisan. To challenge common mindsets & beliefs that may be flawed, & encourage people to think & form their own ideas critically. The name “walking conundrum” comes from a nickname I got years ago because of many times not fitting into the box of what was expected of me. We’re all individuals & that should be celebrated. Let’s not box people in. Let’s encourage people to learn, think independently, & have discussions. It’s in those discussions where we usually find the answers we’re looking for.



Relationships and love- are the two most important aspects of everybody’s life. When you are in love you do want to convert it into a relationship. You want to live with that person for your whole life. But in this long journey from life at first sight to relationship and marriage, there are many important steps that you must take care of. When you love somebody, then you do have to express your feelings to him or her. This is very essential because sometimes the other person is not aware of what you are feeling for him or her. Thus it is very essential to express your love. Now expressing your feeling and emotions is a bit tricky because your life depends on this decision. Expressing your love or proposing is easy. First of all, you must extend your friendship with that person so that he or she enjoys your company and would like to spend time with you. Make sure that you are honest with that person and also make a friendly atmosphere when he or she is around.