The Cold Pop Cast


Welcome to The Cold Pop Cast, your go-to channel for crisp commentary and exploration of tech, current events, and the world! At The Cold Pop Cast, our knowledgeable hosts deliver captivating discussions and insightful perspectives to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. We cover the latest trends and developments in the tech industry, from groundbreaking innovations to exciting gadgets. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive insights and analysis that keep you up to date. Join us on this exciting journey as we bring you the latest tech trends, unravel complex current events, and explore the world with a fresh perspective. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a curious mind, The Cold Pop Cast has something for everyone. Subscribe to The Cold Pop Cast and become part of our vibrant community. Get ready for crisp commentary, eye-opening discussions, and an unforgettable experience. Welcome to The Cold Pop Cast! Join Patreon Here:


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E com o Vosso Espírito


Salve Maria Santíssima! Este canal, contando com as intercessões de São Tomás de Aquino, São Pio de Pieltrecina e, claro, de Nossa Senhora, pretende divulgar os ensinamentos católicos com a leitura diária da Catena Áurea, podendo, eventualmente, trazer algum outro tesouro das riquezas da Santa Igreja Católica. Pretende-se começar com o próximo ano litúrgico, que se inicia em 28 de novembro de 2021. Que este canal seja útil para a salvação das almas e ajude na reaproximação daqueles que, como eu, ficaram afastados do que realmente importa: Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Viva Cristo Rei!