Vídeos engraçados variáveis e de terror


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Marian news - 1_Mary Unveils the Apocalypse


God designated a priest to explain the Apocalypse, and He sent the Blessed Mother to personally instruct him. Our generation is chosen to be part of the Book of Revelation. Some generations were chosen to live in the time of a biblical event, the crossing of the Red Sea, or at the time of Jesus. From 1973-1997 an Italian priest named Stefano (Steve) Gobbi heard interior locutions from the Mother of God. She explained much of the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation, thus giving us the key to decode this difficult but inspired book. I ask you to force yourself to read the Book of Revelation. It’s really only twenty pages Don’t read the footnotes, that will be a useless distraction, but expose yourself to the book as a whole, so that as we discuss it in the coming weeks you’ll have a have an better idea of the structure and symbols.