Elon4AfD - Von Patrioten für Patrioten


Deutsche Patrioten aus dem Krypto-Space haben den Elon4AFD-Token ins Leben gerufen - Elon4AfD ist ein Memecoin, der als ein lustiges, unbeschwertes Projekt begann, sich aber schnell zu einer starken und wachsenden Bewegung entwickelt hat. - Er symbolisiert Meinungsfreiheit, Innovation und Souveränität und versammelt eine leidenschaftliche Gemeinschaft, die sich für Veränderungen einsetzt. Im Gegensatz zu typischen Memecoins verbindet Elon4AfD Humor mit Zielsetzung und bringt Menschen zusammen, die Werte wie Freiheit und Fortschritt teilen. Das Projekt zieht weiterhin internationale Aufmerksamkeit auf sich, angeheizt durch seine aktive Gemeinschaft, seinen wachsenden Einfluss und seine Mission, zu inspirieren > ✅ Website: https://elon4afd.meme/ ✅ Twitter: https://x.com/elon4afd ✅ Telegramm: https://t.me/Elon4AfD ✅CG: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/elon4afd

Patriots Running America


The focus of this channel will be for goal-oriented discussion and campaigning for political offices at the local and state levels. Talk is cheap, and complaining about the issues that we\'ve seen occur with our political system will not change a thing unless we work together to fix what many deem as a broken system. I am motivated, in the interest of my country, family, friends, and neighbors to organize politically ambitious Patriots to rise to the occasion and take back the corrupted system from the ground up. I hope that you all will join me in growing this movement, as our towns, states, country, and the world will not change for the better by sitting around and complaining without constructive ideas for policy implementation. Email: patriotsrunningamerica.com Contact me for collaboration opportunities. https://t.me/joinchat/R2YReCN46g2BYZ45

The Digital Patriot Show


America, perhaps for the first time in history, is facing more threats from domestic actors than foreign ones. Groups like Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and radical Democrats seek to destabilize America and impose their own agendas on people like YOU. But there is hope... Join patriots Jesse Hagy and Pierre Wilson on The Digital Patriot Show to learn why and how the Radical Left can be defeated. Dive into a world of information, debate, and humor as Jesse and Pierre break down the Left's radical agenda and work to expose its fallacies. As a Gen Zer and a Millennial, Jesse and Pierre provide a look into the present and future of America through the eyes of young patriots.