The Last Enemy Book

0 Followers The Last Enemy is a masterpiece of uncommon insights, irrefutable truths, enlightening revelations, concise facts, thoughtful parallels, and expositive teaching, that will broaden your mind, quicken your perception about everyday life realities, experiences, events and communicate sound knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that resolves the mystery of death and erase the fear, myths, misgivings concerning the subject of death. A compendium of six (6) awesome volumes of highly coveted insights, revelations, facts, analysis, investigations, parallels, teachings, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding concerning the subject of death that will change your perceptions in life and the world around you forever. Receive keys to unleash your faith against sickness, diseases, fear, violence, oppression, and any form of evil or wickedness directed against you and your family. Get copies of The Last Enemy for you and your friends. God bless you richly as you discover his perfect will, plan, purpose, pleasure, and place for you and your family and the world in which you live. Here is the list of all six volumes of the Last Enemy below; VOLUME 1 │ What is Death? VOLUME 2 │ The Essence of Death. VOLUME 3 │ The Types , States, and Phases Of Death. VOLUME 4 │The Fear of Death. VOLUME 5 │ The Works of Death. VOLUME 6 │ Unleash Your Faith against Death