1 Follower

To solve it is necessary to deeply understand the threats, and all their interactions. For now the videos in this channel are an introduction. Please comment (give a comment on one of the videos) (or send me an email with the link of one of the videos) and if you do so, confirming that you understand the purpose of the video, (and add your email), I will send you the report (which I used to make that video with detailed links and references of used publications and videos). ACTION PLAN AND REFERENCE TO SOLVE THE "PERFECT STORM" OF CURRENT CRISES. The "Perfect Storm": Pandemic(s), Food insecurity and Climate change, ... Amongst others: Transforming degraded soils into soils enriched with microbes (amazon dark earth) that carry food forests that produce up to 100 times more than industrial agriculture does and automatically restoring climate, sequestering carbon in its deep organic soil. Diving deep in our genome, immune system and deep past where our ancestors knew to sustain, thrive and develop and grow the human brain until 5,000 years ago, when the human brain began to shrink and degenerate after something seems to have changed for the worse. Author: eng. Mallants Johannes, researcher with 38 years of experience in some of the key aspects. e-mail : This video as well as all other videos as well as the reports are also available in Portuguese.

Our Family Automotive Repair Shop Journey

1 Follower

This channel chronicles the small business journey that my family and I have embarked upon during late 2022. I decided that I wanted to build something to leave behind to my son. Although I am an engineer by profession, I am passionate about automotive repair and restoration. With that in mind, we purchased a local automotive repair shop last year. I thought it would be interesting to create a video series that delineates our journey as first-time business owners. The goal being to share both our experiences and the knowledge that we have gained during that process with others who might be considering following along that same path.