Michael Blacktree


Hi, my name is Mike. I've been a youtube content creator since the early days, but decided to branch out into other platforms. I enjoy building things, and fixing stuff. I do most of my own auto repairs, and home repairs. I also enjoy DIY projects. And I usually have at least one project car. Speaking of project cars, I have an E46 BMW that I'm turning into a race car. I got it cheap, because it was really rough! I'm also modifying my daily driver to make it more fuel efficient. If that kind of thing interests you, then you might want to stick around!

Operación Blackbox


Un gentil espacio para el aprendizaje. 📌Síguenos en: ⚡️ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/OperacionBlackbox ⚡️ Instagram: https://instagram.com/operacion.blackbox?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng== ⚡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OperacionBlackbox ⚡️ Telegram: https://t.me/operacionblackbox ⚡️ Twitter (X): https://x.com/OpBlackbox?t=BezqwIcY5cuUwp5tBkC67w&s=09 ⚡️ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Op.Blackbox:c ⚡️ Youtube: https://youtube.com/@operacionblackbox3674?si=r8hKqgQjEu9zDUMw ⚡️ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pXV9R8fM7MWR/ ⚡️ Website: https://operacionblackbox.webflow.io/

A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment


BUY THE BOOK@ apsychopathsguidetoenlightenment.com Hi, I'm Blair Black and I'm a psychopath. Living my life as an un-medicated, fully conscious, high-testosterone, high-self-esteem psychopath has forced me to find many socially acceptable ways to integrate my dark side into polite society. As a result, I’ve found balance in my life, I’m the happiest person I know, I'm married to the literal woman of my dreams & everybody likes me. So, I have decided (for money) to expose myself & report back to you with information from the other side that will help you better understand & integrate the darker parts of yourself, regain balance & make the most of your one short life.