WTF is up?


Welcome mother fuckers, to the place where you can let out your frustrations and rants about the most trivial things with no fear of judgment. A fiery lil fucking lady and featuring her friends, are your go-to for venting about life's smallest annoyances. Whether it's a dumb friend or family member, a rude simpleton, or the never-ending run around of life, nothing is too petty to rant about on this show. With unfiltered discussions and a devil-may-care mentality, each episode strives to be a hilarious and cathartic journey. So sit back, relax, vent, and laugh about surviving life's minor aggravations.

Just Who is Joshua Reid Jones


You are forgiven for having no idea who Josh Reid Jones is, despite styling himself as a socially-progressive Anthony Robbins style self help guru, his 65 YouTube subscribers and handful of Facebook friends and purchased Instagram buddies suggests no one really listens to his narcissistic ideologically trendy left ramblings and dribble. See Josh came to my attention after I watched one of his home videos. I found his approach to be very nasty, I had hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he powder coated a personal attack with passive aggressive nastiness. When I watched and rewatched it, the overtone was clearly sexist. I then discover that the misogynistic video was attacking a former female business partner, I decided to do some checking on Josh, and like all bullies, his cupboard is full of baggage, so what's good for women will be good for Josh. We need to take a stand against sexism and cyber bullies, its 2021 for fuck sake not 1921.

Hi everyone, I am Samir Ferecov and wellcome to my channel.


Hi everyone, I am Samir Ferecov and wellcome to my channel. Auto Service videos, specially on Mercedes w 210, are presented to you in this channel. If you really want to learn about car repairing tips of Mercedes-Benz automobiles you can be sure that this channel will serve your purpose. I regularly upload videos on various car issues, such as, cleaning led headlights, giving car tyres deep black shine, assembling and disassembling individual parts of cars and etc. I hope you will enjoy my channel and learn many things on car service. Thanks to all. Comment, like and subscribe to my channel: Let me know what you think. My e-mail:

Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to ha


Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to have your mind blown. If any of this is your thing, subscribe to keep up with us,

Nerd Culture Is Toxic


I talk about pop culture mostly nerdy stuff lots of rants I think Hollywood has lost their way with the feminist political and gay agenda I'm here to call out the bs Trailer/reaction please 🙏🥺 sub and share$PaulOfficer help out if you can join the family add me my other channel i have tiktok to add me

TekMaker - what will you make today?


TekMaker is a channel designed to help people of all ages and abilities to learn about and build projects for Computers and Electronics. I worked in Electronics for 25+ years including design work and been involved in computer servicing, networking and programming for over 20 years. I hope to produce videos that are simple enough for any age or ability. Rather than just making projects to use once and then put on the shelf I will endeavour to make projects that will connect or work together and for useful things if you want to set up an electronics or single board computer lab at home. Now I have passed all three Amateur Radio Exams in three months I have started to add amateur radio content and the response has been great so far with a lot more projects to come! I have been M7RBE, 2E0HGA and now M0RLF. What will you make today?