

O canal é especializado em tecnologia, oferecendo informações valiosas sobre celulares, smartphones, computadores, notebooks e sistema operacional Windows. Aprenda como instalar, atualizar e modificar softwares em seus dispositivos, com vídeos didáticos que explicam o processo passo a passo. Além disso, oferecemos dicas incríveis para melhorar o desempenho do seu equipamento. Junte-se a nós no canal e descubra como resolver problemas técnicos e aproveite ao máximo suas tecnologias favoritas!

The Informed Parent


Since 1992, when The Informed Parent began, audio and video footage from lectures, msm interviews/discussions etc has been collected. Here is a selection that have been digitalised for those who like to investigate what was being covered in the last 3 or 4 decades. The views and information expressed in these videos are not necessarily those of The Informed Parent. Also as more information and research is conducted individuals featured in this collection may have further concerns as they researched the subject in more depth. For example, going beyond concerns into the safety and efficacy, and investigating the foundational theories that vaccination is dependent on, ie germ theory.

Unreal By Yourself


Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) is a powerful game engine developed by Epic Games. One of its key features is the use of Blueprints, which is a visual scripting system that allows users to create gameplay logic and interactions without needing to write any code. This makes it an accessible option for people who are new to programming. Once you are familiar with the basics, you can start to learn how to use Blueprints to create gameplay logic. This will involve learning how to create and edit Blueprints, how to use variables and inputs to control gameplay, and how to create custom events and interactions. Overall, learning UE5 using Blueprints is a great way to get started with game development, whether you're an experienced developer or a complete beginner. Let learn Blueprints together and create some games logic!