Spirit Empowered Ministries


Equipping Believers to step from being knowers of the word of God, to being doers of the word of God by bringing them into identity, empowering them with Holy Spirit fire, Teaching them to hear God, training in the Prophetic, training in Evangelism, and praying for the sick. All this will be done by connecting believers to the source of life found in the person of Jesus Christ, bringing them into a place of community with other passionate lovers of Jesus, and building bridges among different ministries.

The Power of Neutrality - Get Neutral And Change Happens Verified


Get Neutral - and change will happen So, what IS Neutrality? Merriam-Webster defines neutrality as “not supporting any side or position”. Some see neutral as uncommitted, disinterested, apathetic or passive. OUR definition of neutral is a state where all possibilities have EVEN energy - with NO emotional "charge" on *A* desired outcome. Energetic indifference - if you will Paradoxically, neutrality's energetic evenness allows for MORE energy to attract/manifest what we SAY we want (i.e.the REAL law-of-attraction begins with neutrality, not intention/focus) When we're neutral, bothers no longer inhibit/limit us from our full human potential Get Neutral Website: http://www.thepowerofneutrality.com (no paywall, ever) LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/sdupre This channel, information and articles linked are for entertainment purposes only. Please read and understand the disclaimer before perusing the content http://www.thepowerofneutrality.com/disclaimer

Concentrated Solar Power & Green Hydrogen


There has been a breakthrough in the production of Concentrated Solar Power by an American Company known as Heliogen. Heliogen uses innovative artificial intelligence to vastly reduce the cost of converting sunlight into intense heat and electricity. Combined with innovate technology for electroayzers, pioneered by Bloom Energy, Heliogen's designs promise to provide cost-effective amounts of hydrogen fuel for world markets. This fuel is so cost-effective that it poses a real competition to carbon based fuels.