Take Control of Your Liberty Verified


liberty (noun) The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power. A right to engage in certain actions without control or interference by a government or other power. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.) Per the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This podcast is for those of you who feel that your “liberty” as defined above and referred to in our Declaration of Independence has been infringed upon, want solutions, and are willing to look beyond the headlines, the mainstream media and even the conservative news stations.

Hypnose de régression Enquêtes


Site / www.conscienceliberee.com Email : contact@conscienceliberee.com **Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression à distance ** CONSCIENCE LIBEREE Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre chaine youtube sur l’Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression. Cette activité est l’aventure de deux soeurs Auréana et Carole qui ont suivi une formation de praticiennes en hypnose à l’IIHS, institut international d’Hypnose spirituel par son fondateur Jean-Charles Chabot. La pratique de HSR s’adresse à toutes personnes désireuses de vivre une expérience dans ses vies antérieures, pour mettre en évidence des blocages, des émotions trop intenses mais aussi la curiosité sur des questions existentielles, ou encore ce qui vient et se passe dans l’après-vie. Auréana ou Carole seront heureuses de vous accompagner dans votre cheminement spirituel à travers un assortiment de questions selon ce qui sortira de votre état de conscience. Nous vous invitons à en apprendre plus sur notre site à www.conscienceliberee.com. Ecrivez-nous pour toutes autres informations. Coeurdialement vôtre, Carole & Auréana

Practical Liberty Verified


Hi, I’m Henry Bingaman, the creator and host of Practical Liberty. My promotions have broken many company records, including the most profitable promotion in the history of a $20mm+ health company and the most front-end sales in a single day in any Agora division. In total, I’ve sold over $300 million worth of products for my clients. However, it’s not my sales records or the millions I’ve made that are my proudest accomplishment. It’s being born into an inner city, low-income family, and breaking the predetermined script for my life to achieve true freedom. Practical Liberty exists to help you escape from life inside the grueling machine of the modern world and find freedom in your own life. Subscribe for life-changing information straight from the minds of some of the world’s freest individuals. Learn more at: https://henrybingaman.com/