Think and Act Locally


SHOP NEW MERCH! 👇 Welcome to Think and Act Locally! We envision a world where every person has the support and resources to live a purposeful, prosperous life. Our growing network is building that reality through empowerment, service, and boundless human potential. Who We Are Think and Act Locally began as a local movement in Deer Park, TX but has since grown to include chapters across the country. Our diverse membership is united by shared values and a commitment to catalyzing change in ourselves and society. We welcome people from all backgrounds who feel called to be part of something greater.

Prophet, Pastor & Teacher Verified


NO! - Church Home NO! - Pastor NO! - Car NO! - Computer * * * NO PROBLEM !!!! * * * *** SUNDAY'S TEACHINGS *** 11AM EASTERN, 8AM PACIFIC TIME Call In Line: (872) 240-3311 code 511-278-085# * GOD Is The Owner/Creator of The Universe and HE is neither left or right, HE Is Always, JUST & RIGHT! Please Sign Our Guestbook or Call through the website: (or) Our Website as you can see is full information as well "THE LINKS" to Thousands of Archived Videos on just about every subject! I am Called in these the last of The LAST DAYS, to Get HIS People Ready for what ever the demons of darkness throw at us. At the same time Build GODLY Relationships, to be there, for one Another! Please Feel Free to Call Me Personally anytime 24/7. Thanks and God Bless! (Lets Talk Soon) Pastor Sylvester Bland 951-360-3399

Sons and Daughters of Liberty Radio


Sons and Daughters of Liberty Radio is a network of podcasts where we break down and interpret the news. We will debate and discuss everything breaking in our country and through out the world. The founding shows are ”We The People Are The News” (updates on the day’s news) and ”The Patriot Panel” (full talk show format / interviews / news updates). We post episodes Monday - Friday. SaDoL was founded by John Matland, a former healthcare worker turned activist and candidate for US Congress in NYC. Be part of the movement and help us Forge Freedom Forward.

Deutschlands Seelen Gewinnen


Zerrennerstr. 32, 75172 Pforzheim Wir sind eine lokale neutestamentliche Kirche, die das Gebiet von Pforzheim mit dem Evangelium von Jesus Christus erreicht. Erwarten Sie nichts Trendiges oder Liberales. Wir sind eine altmodische, fundamentale Baptistengemeinde, die von Tür zu Tür Seelengewinnen geht. Unser Pastor: Pastor Steven Anderson ist in Sacramento geboren und aufgewachsen. Im Alter von 18 Jahren reiste er durch Deutschland und Osteuropa, um in örtlichen IFB-Kirchen zu dienen, Fremdsprachen zu lernen und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Auf dieser Reise lernte er seine Frau Zsuzsanna kennen. Er führte sie zum Herrn, und kurz darauf heirateten sie. Sie sind seit über 21 Jahren verheiratet, und Gott hat sie mit 12 wunderbaren Kindern gesegnet. Betreiber dieses Kanals: Faithful Word Baptist Church 2741 W Southern Ave, Suite 14 Tempe, AZ 85282 USA